Job Bonus by Douglas Greene

submitted by Timmy - Apr 8, 2002

Job Bonus
by Douglas Greene

John regretted ridiculing Chris at the office. He was sorry that he made fun of Chris’s cheap cologne, and was definitely sorry that he tattled to human resources when he caught Chris maintaining his satanic web site on company time. He should have left Chris alone.

But he was such an easy target! The geeky, fat whiz kid they’d hired in the I.T. department had bad breath and other hygiene issues, a rather ambiguous sexual identity, and an acne problem that made his face seem like one massive, angry ulcer. To top it off, he thought that one evening, when they were both alone and working late, the pathetic little punk actually seemed to be hitting on him. Homosexuals disgusted him.

John slapped angrily at his reflection in the mirror, desperately hoping that what he was seeing would somehow disappear.

“Be careful, you’re going to hurt yourself.” Chris admonished, standing a few feet away with his arms folded on his chest.

“Sweet Jesus, Chris! You’ve turned me into a ***** baby!” John squealed, stomping his tiny feet up and down on the cool tile of the counter.

“Yea. I can hardly believe it myself. Pretty cool, huh?” Chris grinned and reached forward, deftly pulling at the strings at the back of John’s gown. “Here, take a look.” Chris removed the gown in one sweeping motion, leaving the baby standing naked in front of the mirror.

John was mesmerized by his own reflection and for a long period he silently studied the drooling baby in the glass. Suddenly, his little round face scrunched up into a comical frown. “Oh God, look at what you’ve done to me,” he finally squealed. “You can change me back, can’t you? Please, tell me that you can change me back!”

He tried to look away, he tried desperately, but he couldn’t keep himself from staring at the baby boy in the mirror. He ran his hands across his smooth, hairless chest, then one hand ventured south and pulled at his miniature manhood.

“That feels really good, doesn’t it?” Chris whispered, observing quietly. “That’s all part of the deal.”

“What do you mean?” John stammered, as he felt himself stiffen in his hand.

“You’ll find out for yourself soon enough. Now, be quiet and lay down so I can get you dressed.”

John questioned himself in silence as he immediately dropped to the counter and lay down on his back. What was he doing? Why was he so anxious to cooperate? But most of all why was he still tugging furiously at his tiny penis? The cold tile took his breath away.

“That’s enough of that for now, I think.” Chris smiled as he brushed John’s little hand away, and grabbed him by his ankles, lifting his chubby rump into the air.

This couldn’t be happening, John thought. This must be a nightmare or hallucination; Chris couldn’t possibly be putting him into a diaper! Yet he could feel the bulky cotton being pulled up snug between his legs, separating them, the fabric coarse against his skin. The diaper pushed almost painfully against his diminutive erection as Chris’s massive hands fastened the cloth at his hips with oversized safety pins. John remained nearly motionless.

“You see, you belong to me now,” Chris tried to explain. He pulled the baby into a sitting position before pulling a tiny t-shirt over his pudgy frame. “You’re sort of a bonus from my employer.” After threading the chubby arms through the sleeves, he gently pushed him to his back again and efficiently snapped the shirt together at the crotch. “Wow, John! I’m sure that you don’t want to hear this, but you’re absolutely adorable.”

John felt huge fingers coil around his torso, as Chris lifted him to his shoulder. “Give me a nice big hug please,” Chris instructed.

The baby wrapped his arms around Chris’s fat neck, bringing their faces cheek-to-cheek. Chris pulled him in, embracing him tightly; an enormous hand caressed his back and shoulders while another squeezed his bottom. Instantly John could smell the cheap cologne that he’d ridiculed just a week earlier in the office, and could feel the stubble of Chris’s beard against the side of his face.

“Don’t talk; I don’t like it when you talk. Just listen,” Chris said softly buy firmly during their embrace. “About my aftershave; you like it now, don’t you? You didn’t like it before, but you do now. In fact, its your absolute favorite.”

Baby John suddenly realized that he DID like the smell; in fact, the aroma was positively intoxicating.

“And you like to give kisses. Isn’t that right John?” John found himself nuzzling Chris, brushing his lips against his acne-strewn cheek, before clumsily descending, slobbering and open-mouthed, upon the monstrous face. “That’s a good boy,” Chris giggled breathlessly. “I think that we’re going to get along just fine.”