The Baby Box - part 3 by Chronos

submitted by heidegger - Mar 31, 2002

Part 3 - A young genius gets involved with scientists building a time travel device.


Tilda Fornel was quietly reading a book in the study when she heard the front door open and close.

"Wilson's home early, I wonder if he's hungry?" she thought.  

Passing to the kitchen, Tilda retrieved his dinner from the stove, covered it and took it up to his room. Behind Wilson's door, she could hear muffled voices.

"Wilson, it's me. I've brought your dinner. May I come in?"

"Just a minute!" THUMP "I'll be right there!"  


The door opened and there stood Wilson looking extremely guilty about something. Behind Wilson was another young boy about Wilson's age.

"Who's your friend Wilson?"

"Dap..... I mean Davy. A guy I met on campus."

"Nice to meet you Davy, have you known Wilson long?"  

The boy just shook his head. Tilda thought he was rather a strange looking boy.

"Are you hungry Davy?"

"Yes, ma am, thank you. I haven t eaten all day."  

When Tilda left, Daphne turned and punched Wilson in the arm.

"Davy????? Davy????? What were you thinking of."

"Well what was I supposed to say .... Excuse me Dr. Fornel, but you remember my colleague Dr. Daphne Shellworth. Yes I know she used to rather much taller than 5'5' and much older than she is now, but you see I stuck her in a time machine earlier tonight and turned her into a five-year-old. Right now, she's stuck at 14, until we can fix the machine. Yes, thank you, I will have another cookie." Wilson said sarcastically.

"Well, when you put it that way ...." Daphne said, squirming.

"What's the matter?"

"I need to pee. Where's the bathroom?"  

Daphne went down the hall and closed the door. As Tilda came up the stairs she heard the unmistakable sound of a female urinating. As small smile crossed her lips as she let herself back into Wilson's room. When Daphne rejoined them, Wilson was sitting in a chair staring at the floor looking very guilty.

"So Daphne, just how did you get yourself into this mess?"


All in all, Tilda took the two youngster's story with aplomb.

"So how long will it take you to repair the equipment?"

"We estimate 10-12 hours, if we both work on it," Daphne said. "I just had to have something to wear, I was cold in nothing but a lab coat."

"How long do you figure it would take if three people worked on repairs?" Tilda asked.   Daphne made a face, like she didn't want to hurt Tilda's feelings by saying the work was above her level of comprehension, but Wilson interrupted her.

"Those journals and books in the library by Dr. and Dr. Fornel -- that was you and your husband?"   Tilda nodded. "After Benjy and our daughter Marie were killed in the car wreck, I just lost interest in the academic/research fast track. Benjy and I had a number of high paying patents from our work. I lived off the interest and became a recluse. I was 37. I felt that I had died in that wreck with them. But after a few years, I started working again, but not like before. Just here, by myself. I've been trying to carry on the work Benjy and I started. Philbert -- Dr. Morrison -- and I have been old and dear friends for a number of years. Did you think it was an accident that you wound up here, Wilson? Now, I ask again, did you want my help?"  

Daphne and Wilson nodded.

"Right!" Tilda said. "But before we go, let's see if we can t do something about your clothes Daphne. I think I still have a few of Marie's things about. You won t be much in style, but for the time you'll be in them, I guess they'll do."  

Grasping Daphne by the hand, Tilda told Wilson to eat while they got changed. Daphne was taken down the hall to a closed room. Opening it, she stepped back in time to an era nearly five years before her birth. It was obviously a young girl's room. Posters on the walls were The Doors, Bob Dylan, The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, and others. A large "Give a Damn" button was attached to a bulletin board. Tilda looked about with a sigh, but quickly recovered and opened a closet.  

Pulling out several pieces of clothing an throwing them on the bed, she told Daphne to see if there was anything she liked or that might fit her. Daphne picked up a peasant dress and held it against her body. Marie and she must have been nearly the same height, and she asked Tilda how old her daughter had been.

"She was 16 going on 60," Tilda said with a laugh. "You kids can t even begin to imagine what a college campus was like back in the 60s. We were going to change the world. Marie and her father were on their way to an anti-war rally when a drunk crossed left of center and killed them both. My baby was going to change the world, and she couldn't even save herself," Tilda said bursting into tears.  

Daphne, crying herself, hugged Tilda. They both looked at each other and smiled. Tilda raised her hand and brushed a lock of hair from Daphne's face. "You're a very lovely girl, Daphne."   Daphne snorted, "I'm a lot of things, Tilda, but pretty ain t one of them! Look at me. This is about the only time in my life that I can remember looking like what a real girl should. When I step into that chamber and accelerate beyond 15 years, I'll shoot up so fast if I don't duck, I'll hit my head on the ceiling."  

Tilda opened a chest of drawers and brought out some underclothes. "They re clean, I assure you."   Stripping, Daphne put on the panties, but held up the bra and laughed. "This would be five sizes too big on me even after I'm back to an adult!"  

Daphne picked out the peasant dress and Tilda helped her tie her hair back. "Are you so unhappy?" Tilda asked her.  

Daphne paused, "I have my work. I think the world of Wilson and Dr. Morrison, but I suspect that I'll grow old alone."  

Tilda walked over and gave the young girl a motherly hug, saying, "Let's go get you back to your right age."


Grabbing Wilson, the threesome made their way back to the lab. Any doubts that either of them had whether Tilda could be of some help were quickly erased, as she quickly and expertly began repairing damaged computer boards.

"Where??? How???" Daphne sputtered, as she saw Tilda knee deep a wad of cords.

"I told you I worked on my own for a the past 20 years. What do you think I used -- a Bunsen burner and a microscope? I may have dropped out, but I stayed up with the equipment. Have you ever heard of a virtual imaging system? That's mine. I wanted to be able to plot genetic sequencing and the technology didn't exist to do it. So before I could proceed, I spent a couple of years sorting that out," she said with a smile. "Hand me that wire stripper, will you dear?"  

Morning came and went, as did the afternoon. Around 6 p.m., the three suddenly that they hadn't eaten all day. They had finished the repairs but Tilda suggested eating before attempting to age Daphne back to 26. Wilson offered to go over to the snack bar and get some food.  

After he left, Tilda asked Daphne what they planned to do with the TTDA once it was repaired.

"I really hadn't thought," she answered. "Up till now, all of our energy was focused on getting it to work."

"You know, in the wrong hands, this could be a dangerous toy. I mean, it's literally a Fountain of Youth. You're living proof. You're a 26 year old woman who was rejuvenated into a child and then a teen, with no after effects. Can you imagine what some people might pay for that?"

"I don't know what we'll do with it, after all, despite all of my work and Wilson s, the entire concept is really Dr. Morrison's and he can t even enjoy it."  

Tilda knitted her brows in thought, "Have you considered the possibility of exposing Philbert to the TTDA's capabilities. You know -- shave a few years off of him, give him his health back?"  

Daphne's eyes widened. "Of course," she exclaimed. "Why didn't I think of that! We could rejuvenate him to a state before his stroke! Hell, we could make him a young man again."

"Well before we do that, we d better find out whether or not the TTDA would have a detrimental effect on an older person."

"How can we do that?"

"Well, we could try it on me first, take off a few years. If nothing goes wrong, we get Philbert over here somehow and rejuvenate him"  

As the two women conversed, Kirk looked out the window of Rachel's sorority and saw a sight that made him pissed. The little twerp was still on campus, he could see him walking across the quad to the Science building.

"I thought you said that would send him packing home to Mummy and Daddy!" Kirk yelled at Rachel.

"Enough is enough," he thought. I'm going to go do something about that little prick right now."  

Grabbing his jersey, he headed toward the science building, followed by Rachel.

"What about the party?"

"It won t take long to knock the crap out of him." Kirk assured her as he slammed his fist into his hand. They walked into the darkened building. Rachel tugged on his jersey. "He hangs out in the lab, it this way," she whispered. The outer door to the lab was still open, so the quietly slipped into the room. There was a light under one of the doors. A window with blinds allowed Kirk and Rachel to see inside the inner room. The voices were muffled, but they could see Wilson and some other kid, a girl in a hippie dress. Both of them seemed to be talking to someone inside of the big box thing sitting in the middle of the floor.  

Kirk tried the handle to the door, but it was locked. They could hear the hum of machinery inside and flash of light. Rachel hissed at Kirk to return. In the room was another person -- a woman -- an old bat probably in her 40s or 50s.  

When Wilson returned, Daphne and Tilda confronted him with their idea. He saw the merit, but was not willing to use Tilda as a test subject for Dr. Morrison.

"Wilson, we need to know if the process will work on older people, or will it cause too much strain on their systems. I'm the logical candidate to try. Test it on me, if we succeed, we'll age Daphne and then go see about getting Philbert over here."  

Wilson couldn't argue with her logic. She entered the TTDA and held up her hand. They decided to run three tests -- reducing her 5, 10 and then 20 years. If successful, Tilda would have entered the TTDA at age 67 and emerged at 32. Wilson set displacement factor and calibrated the power input back to 90% and then ran the sequence.  

They watched the now familiar bubble form around Tilda. Even before the machine had completely shut down it was obvious that it had made her a few years younger. After signaling that there were no problems, Wilson reset the machine for 10 years. Within minutes, Tilda had gone from a vigorous sexagenarian to handsome woman in her early fifties.

"Exiting the box, Tilda smiled and said she hadn't felt this good in years! It was at this point that Rachel and Kirk spied into the room. Although they couldn't hear what was going on, they saw Tilda enter the chamber, a flash of light, and then saw he change before their eyes. Within moments, Tilda's body youthened until she stood before them at age 32.

"What do you make of that?" Rachel whispered.  

I dunno, some kind of body building machine?" he answered. "You saw her, she looked like shit going in, now she's all slimmed down and toned up. It must be a body building machine. You know honey, I smell an opportunity."  

Wilson and Tilda were eating sandwiches when they heard a knock on the door.

"Campus security, the outer door was open, are you all right in there?"  

Daphne motioned that she would get it, but as she opened the door, a burly shoulder hit the frame and knocked her aside. Kirk grabbed her by the arm and dragged her in front of him.

"What's going on in here? Having a little party? Gotta new gizmo you want to share with your friends?"  

Wilson and Tilda jumped up and started toward Kirk. She spun Daphne into Rachel's arms. Rachel grabbed Daphne's hair in her fist and cruelly twisted it. Kirk slammed his fist into Wilson, doubling him up in agony on the floor. Before Tilda could say a word, Kirk slapped her hard across the face, drawing blood.

"Sit down and shut up bitch, before I really hurt you."  

Taking cord and duck tape, Kirk tied the three to chairs and taped their mouths shut. Turning to the TTDA, he looked it over.

"We watched your little demonstration," he said. "This is some neat trick, sort of a body developer, huh? Well, maybe this is something you could share with your old buddy, Kirk, huh Wilson?" he said as he pinched Wilson's cheek and then slapped it. "Now which of you geniuses is going to show me the on button?"  

The three looked at each other, but Tilda motioned to remove her gag.

"Yeah, lady, we saw what this box did for you. You looked like shit going in, but you come out a babe. What's the score? And don't try kidding me, I ain t stupid."

"Well, as you guessed, the device works on human muscle and bone tissue -- I suppose you could call it a growth mechanism." Tilda said, as Wilson and Daphne looked at her with wide eyes.

"In women, it accelerate the bio-morphic structure of the body, for want of a better word, making you more beautiful." Tilda put her hands to her 36 C sized breasts. "Before entering the machine, I was a 32 A"  

Rachel's eyes widened.

"Before you entered, we were preparing to run Wilson through the machine. If our calculations are correct, he would grow within a hour or so into a man who could kick your puny little ass to the state capitol and back."

"Be nice," Kirk smiled as he slapped her. "So how does it work?"

"Well I'm afraid there's no on or off button, it would take two of us to operate the machine."  

Rachel and Kirk looked at each other and nodded. Rachel replaced the tape. We re going to leave you guys for a few minutes and get a few of our friends to come by for a demonstration. If this thing doesn t live up to expectations, I suspect we'll be pretty upset -- get my meaning...."  

Kirk and Rachel hurried back over to the NAME frat were the pajama party was just about to get started.

"Tony, Vince and Meatball! Get over here!" Kirk barked.  

The star receiver, running back and offense guard came at their Quarterback's call.

"Hey, you guys want kick the crap outta State this Sunday?" He said and they all nodded their heads. "Good, come with me."  

Rachel found three of here closest sorority sisters. Candy, Beth and Melody they were the best looking and most endowed as well as the most notorious bitches on campus.

"How would you all like to be prettier and have bigger boobs, too?"

"Yeah, sure Rachel," they all laughed at her.

"No! It's for real. That little geek Wilson has invented some beauty machine. I saw this ugly bag go in and come out a babe."  

That got their attention, and intrigued by Rachel's enthusiasm, they agreed to go. They returned after a few minutes Kirk and Rachel returned with three other jocks and bimbos in tow.

"Now, I'm gonna untie you two. DON'T try and do anything stupid. Understand." He warned as he untied and removed the tape from Wilson and Tilda.

"All right this is what your gonna do. Your gonna run Vince here through you little toy. And if he's hurt your gonna hurt understand."  

Wilson and Tilda exchanged glances. Vince stepped into the chamber with some protest about having to be the first, but Kirk said if he ever wanted to make a touchdown again while he was Kirk was quarterback he'd better do as he was told.  

Tilda asked Vince his age, saying she needed to calibrate the settings. Wilson watched as Tilda keyed in the information. She set the displacement level at 19 years and the power level at 35%. His eyes widened as he realized her plan. At this setting Vince would be little more than an infant in less than two hours. Everyone watched as a now familiar blue bubble formed around Vince for a few moments and then shut down. The door opened and Vince stepped out looking no different.

"I told you if you messed with me I was gonna..." Kirk hissed.

"That's to be expected. All of you are in great shape. I was flabby and down right homely. Vince and, well, you! Look at you, your practically Adonis" Tilda said, laying it on thick.  

She knew Kirk's type and flattery will get you every where with them. One by one they all stepped into the TTDA. Wilson adjusted the power and displacement levels constant to keep them regressing at the same rate.

"Hate to bulk and run, but we ve gotta party to get to. So if you would both take a seat we can get going," Kirk said pointing to the chairs.  

Wilson looked frantically at Tilda. "It'll be all right. Just do what he says." She replied calmly and sat down.

"Oh, and wonder boy! Don't get any ideas about running your self through that toy of yours. You may get big and strong, but me and my friends here could still kick your butt. So don't even try it." Kirk said as he bound and gagged them again.

"Nighty-night," he said as he turned off the light and locked the lab door.


The liquor was flowing and the music was loud. Kirk and his buddies started pounding the brews down and making muscle man poses as soon as the stripped off their pant and shirts for the pajama party.  

The girl ran upstairs to change. They stripped down look at themselves and each other for any improvements to their beauty. Rachel looked at her face and it seemed softer and fresher looking.

"Look! Look at my face!" She said excitedly. They all looked agreed.  

Rachel put on a pink bra that was barley enough to cover her "DD" darlings and matching panties with hose, garters pumps. Candy put on a silky baby-doll, socks and pumps. Beth wore silk boxers and a matching crop top and Melody wore a spaghetti strap negligee that plunged to show generous amount of her abundant cleavage. The girls giggled about how sexy they were going to be and joined the party.  

Rachel breezed through the crowd of scantily clad collage students until she found Kirk. "Do I look any prettier yet." Kirk regarded her face and thought that she did look better! Her face was much fresher looking.

"Yeah, babe, you do look better."  

She squealed with delight and dance provocatively right at Kirk. Kirk looked at his buddies and flexed his biceps and downed another beer.  

The other girls looked at each other and noticed that they looked better too, fresher and younger looking. They couldn't wait for their tits to start getting bigger as well, and they were checking them every few minutes.  

Kirk and his buddies were getting drunker by the minute and it convinced them that they were getting larger when in actuality their muscles were becoming less and less mature.   Rachel was dancing when her boob suddenly pop out of her bra. She gasped and looked at her girlfriends. "I guess this bra is getting too small?" She giggled as she slipped it back in the cup. It was then she noticed that her bra was too large instead of too small. The others checked themselves and to their shock they seemed smaller too!

"What the hell is going on Rachel? I thought you said this thing was gonna make us bigger." Candy said as she looked at herself in the Jack Daniel's mirror. "I don't look sexier ... I look like ... like a high schooler, Rachel!"  

They looked at each other intently. Rachel's once impressive rack was smaller and higher on her chest. Beth's crop top was looking less cropped and Melody's negligee was starting to hang on her.

"Lets find the guys" Rachel said.  

After a few minutes they found them in the kitchen, a group of drunk seventeen year old boys.  

"Kirk! Kirk!? Something happening to us." She pleaded with him, but he was too far drunk to listen.

"Come on girls lets get them into the bedroom and decide what to do."  

They gathered up the incoherent boys and guided them into a back bed room. It was all the girls could do to get four groping, laughing and horny teens into a room. Melody lost her negligee when Vince lost his balance and grabbed it for stability. The straps broke and it slipped off slimming shoulders and piled around her legs. She gasped in shock at the sight of her nearly nude body. Her figure was slimmer and tighter and her breasts smaller and higher on her chest, even her nipples and aureoles were smaller and a lighter shade of pink.  

They laid them down. The girls were shocked at how young they appeared. Hairless faces and chests.

"O my God" Candy whispered at the sight of the nearly nude Melody. She had seen Melody nude often in the sorority and was surprised at how much she had changed. Melody ran to a mirror to see a seventeen year old staring back.  

The others joined her to look at themselves just a shiver ran through each of them and the faces staring back changed, suddenly regaining a look of innocent adolescence.  

Rachel stood numbly in shock and disbelief at the fifteen year old in the mirror -- and her far less developed figure that only yesterday was one of the best on campus was now a mere C cup again. Her bra and panty outfit looked silly on her now Candy looked around at the boys.

"Hey, the guys are getting younger, too." She said in a girlishly high sounding voice.   The shrinking size of their bodies was intensifying the effect of the alcohol and they had passed out cold. The girls struggled with the boys to get them all in the bed. Kirk, Tony and Vince were pretty easy as the effect of all the muscle building was disappearing. As the finished pulling Meatball up in the bed, now a pudgy fifteen year old they all felt another shiver and watched each other slip further back toward adolescence.  

Rachel let out a soft gasp as her bra, garter and hose slipped off her thirteen year old body. He breasts were now only pointy little cones topped with petite pink nipples. Beth's boxers had dropped around her ankles exposing her sparse downy little pubes. Candy's baby-doll was finally too large for her and it too slipped off her youthening body.

"O, Rachel! Let's forget about them. We've gotta get back over to that lab before we become children." Candy pleaded in a little girls voice.

"OK, we need to find something to fit us if were going across campus. They dug in the drawers and under the bed. It wasn't easy to find something that each could wear and as the felt ready to go, the now familiar shiver hit them again.  

Rachel let out a cry that changed pitch as her body returned to pre-pubescence. The room seemed to grow larger around them. They looked at each other and started to cry at the sight of four pathetic looking eleven year olds. Rachel's auburn locks was now barely shoulder length.  

Only a few moments passed this time before another wave hit them, reducing them nine year olds. They made a valiant attempt to leave for the lab, but they had forgotten that a party was raging between them and the door and scurried back into the room just as they regressed again to five year olds.  

No one heard the cries of the four small girls over the din of the music, even as it changed to the wails of four babies.  

Continued in Part 4