Logic Puzzle

submitted by TabulaRasa - Jun 4, 2002

A brief, AR themed logic puzzle:When five high school students finally push their teacher over the line, she casts a spell to youthen them all out of high school until she can get a transfer. Figure out what each student did to push the teacher over the line, what childish behavior they display that night at home, and what age (one person ended up at each age between 4 and 8) they are when they wake up the next morning.

The one who couldn't read a story (who wasn't Debbie) to her seven year old brother ended up younger than him.

Neither the one who sucked his thumb while watching T.V., nor the one forgot their homework, ended up as a five year old.

Neither Alex nor Carol (who didn't chew gum) ended up at age four, but one of them wet their pants during dinner.

Both the person who carried an animal around all evening and the person who threw the paper airplane ended up at age four or five.

The one who cried when she stubbed her toe ended up older than the one who chewed gum in class.

The one who talked in class ended up as a five year old.

The boy who wet his pants ended up younger than Debbie (who did her homework).

Eric (who didn't cry) didn't end up at age four, and the one who sucked his thumb didn't end up at age eight.