It Does The Body Good by Morpheus

submitted by admin - Jun 7, 2002

A fired postal worker decides to have a little fun and mixes up some packages. Kyle and his 8 year old son get a strange bottle of milk in the mail. Drink this milk and 'It Does The Body Good', depending on your point of view!


In the cluttered back room of the post office, a small ugly little man screamed aloud, though no one else was there to hear him. Clutching a small pink slip of paper in his hand, he yelled out, "20 years. How could they do this to me?" Angrily, he kicked a package lying on the ground, clearly marked "fragile". Spitting onto the floor, he continued ranting, "I gave them 20 loyal years, and this is how they pay me? How dare they?" Furiously, he threw the paper at the wall, cursing the bureaucratic idiots that had decided to do this to him.

Stopping, he stared at the piles of packages, beginning to form an idea. A malicious smile formed on his face, and he started rubbing his hands together. He'd show them. He'd show them all, then he burst out into a maniacal laughter, just imagining his revenge.

Kyle Rogers put his pen down, staring at the small pile of bills he'd just finished writing checks out for. Wincing, he could just imagine what this was doing to his bank account, but they needed to be paid, or he and his son Matthew would be out on the streets.

Looking over at Matthew playing his video game, he felt sorry for the boy. Here he was, only 8 years old, and he didn't even have a mother. Or at least not one that was anywhere around, since Matthew's mother had run out on them 5 years earlier, and hadn't been seen since. It had been hard on the two of them, but Kyle managed to keep things together, loving his son far too much to let anything harm him.

Getting up, Kyle scratched at his two day old stubble, thinking that he'd have to shave again since his vacation would be up in just a couple days, and he'd have to go back to work. Not that it would be a bad thing since Kyle kind of enjoyed his job as a computer salesman, but he'd miss the extra time that his vacation had let him spend with Matthew.

Glancing down at his watch, Kyle realized that he'd better get those bill payments into the mail soon, since the mailman should be coming by pretty soon. Picking up the envelopes, Kyle started walking out the door, stopping in time to see that he was almost too late. The Mailman had just arrived.

Kyle ran down to the box, yelling out "Wait up, I've got something to send"

When Kyle got to the truck, still parked in front of his box, the driver laughed saying, "You didn't have to hurry. I've got a package I was delivering to you." The mailman took the envelopes that Kyle offered to him, and handed a package over to Kyle, who looked down a little curious, not having been expecting anything.

Slowly Kyle walked back to the front door, reading the cover of the package. It was addressed to him all right, but when he tried to read the return address, it seemed to be blurred a bit, as if water got onto it, making it mostly illegible.

Getting inside, Kyle put the package down on the table, curious as to who sent it. Reaching into his pocket, Kyle pulled out his knife, and started to cut the box open. Matthew saw him with the box and hurried over, asking "Whatcha got Dad?"

"I don't know" Kyle said, wondering just that himself, "But we're about to find out" With a slash, the tape on the box was cut, and Kyle carefully opened it up, seeing nothing at first but a pile of Styrofoam popcorn. Putting his hand in, he felt something fairly hard, and grabbed it, pulling it out.

He was startled to see a bottle of milk in his hand. "Who'd send a bottle of milk through the mail?" he asked himself, noticing at the same time that it was a glass bottle. The kind that you didn't see around anymore. Looking at the label, he didn't recognize the brand, but noticed that the expiration date was 3 months away. That was really weird.

It was then that Matthew pulled something else out of the box, something that he'd missed. It was a sheet of paper. Taking it from Matthew, Kyle read the short note, basically telling him that this was a free sample of a new brand of milk, that didn't need refrigerating to keep it from spoiling.

"That's odd" Kyle said, thinking that this must be the latest thing in that stored milk. He'd seen lots of cartons of that kind of milk, that would keep for a while, but this was the first time that he'd ever seen it in a bottle.

With a twist, the cap came off the bottle with a slight popping sound. Kyle carefully sniffed it, not expecting much from a free sample. He scrunched his nose a little. It didn't really smell bad, but it did smell a little odd. Probably the preservatives, he decided. "Maybe it will be better when it gets cold" Kyle mentioned to Matthew, who had lost interest and was already heading back over to his video game. Putting the bottle into the fridge, Kyle wanted to get started working on that model Mustang that he'd been putting off for awhile.

The next morning, Matthew poured some Captain Crunch into his bowl, then grabbed the carton of milk from the fridge, finding that it was almost empty. Slightly annoyed that his Dad had forgotten to get milk again, Matthew poured the half cup that was left onto his cereal, then remembered the milk they'd gotten yesterday.

Humming to himself, he poured the new milk onto his cereal, then cheerfully took a bite. He stopped for a second. The cereal was fine, but it all tasted a little funny. Kind of sour. Taking a spoon full of the milk and slurping it, Matthew tasted it a little more. Shrugging it off, he went on eating his cereal, finding that for some reason, it was tasting even better than usual. When he was done, he even had a second bowl, which he rarely did.

After eating, Matthew watched some TV, waiting for his Dad to get up so that they could go to the beach for awhile. Matthew smiled, looking forward to looking for crabs and whatever he could find that had been washed up. Once he'd even found a dead shark washed up on the beach, which he thought was really cool. Even if it was only a small shark.

After he was playing for an hour, Matthew scratched at his chest absently, not really noticing that it felt somewhat swollen. Getting up, he started stretching, feeling kind of kinked in all his muscles for some reason. Probably just from sitting too long in front of the game he decided. Not that it would stop him from playing even more.

Feeling thirsty for some reason, Matthew went and got himself a Coke, knowing that he wasn't supposed to drink them before lunch, but not really caring. Taking a sip of the soda, Matthew didn't feel very relieved. He still felt a little thirsty.

Just then, Kyle came into the room, scratching at his stubble, and making Matthew laugh at how funny and tired he looked. Kyle noticed the Coke in Matthew's hands, and gave a half hearted lecture about not drinking sodas before lunch. Matthew nodded his head for a few minutes, then walked back to his game, taking another long drink from his Coke. He laughed again, loving how he could get away with things first thing in the morning.

While playing, Matthew gulped down the rest of the drink, though it didn't do much for his thirst. Ignoring it, he focused on the game, trying to get to the next level before lunch. After another hour of playing, Matthew had to pull his shoes off, finding that they were getting too tight on him. Since he was wearing baggy clothes, he didn't notice that the rest of him was slightly larger as well.

Scratching at his chest again, it felt softer than before, leaving him slightly confused, but then a monster attacked in the game, forcing his attention back to that. After a little bit, Matthew put the game on pause, getting up again and going to the kitchen for something to drink. Looking in the fridge, his eyes fell across the bottle of milk, and he realized that this was what he wanted.

Quickly Matthew poured himself a glass. He had been about to drink it straight from the bottle, but had hesitated, remembering that his Dad didn't like that, so got the glass instead. With the glass full, he took a long drink, enjoying it as it went down. In spite of the slightly bitter taste, he thought it was the best thing that he'd ever tasted.

Just as he was about to pour himself another glass, his Dad came in, and Matthew put the bottle back, going back to his game. He didn't feel thirsty anymore.

Kyle looked down at his watch, thinking that it was getting warm enough out that they could be heading out to the beach pretty soon. After a few seconds debating with himself, he decided that they could wait until after lunch. Walking into the kitchen, he saw Matthew drinking a glass of milk, and smiled to himself. Definitely healthier than Coke, though Kyle thought it was slightly odd for Matthew to be drinking milk.

Shrugging it off, Kyle thought to himself that Matthew was definitely looking taller. "The kids growing up faster than I thought" he mutters to himself while watching Matthew hurry back to his game. Chuckling, Kyle wondered if maybe he should go over and play a game with Matthew. After all, he used to be pretty good with Nintendo games when he was younger, and how much different could this be.

When it was getting closer to lunch, Kyle called Matthew over to the table for a sandwich. As Matthew walked over, Kyle stared. This time he was almost sure that Matthew looked a little taller. Not too much, but enough that he could notice it. What caught his eyes most, were the two bumps pushing out of Matthew's chest.

Kyle shook his head, sure that he was imagining things. He looked again, still seeing the bumps. Staring at them, he was sure that they looked like tits. Like a woman's breasts. Albeit, very small ones, but they were noticeable. That wasn't right. Kyle knew that it wasn't possible. Paling, Kyle suddenly worried that Matthew might be very sick or something.

"Come here" Kyle told Matthew, then pulled Matthew's shirt off, only to stare at his son's chest. Without the baggy shirt, it was even more noticeable. Matthew definitely had a small pair of breasts on him. "Oh my God" Kyle said quietly, sitting down on a chair, not noticing the confused look on Matthew's face as he noticed them himself for the first time.

While Kyle was sitting down, staring at his hands, trying to decide what to do, Matthew was rather confused himself, and decided that drinking a glass of milk would help calm him down. As Matthew was drinking his milk, Kyle was trying to decide if he should call a doctor or take his son into the emergency room. Was this some sort of while hormone problem? Was it only temporary, or worse. Kyle shuddered, very nervous. It had all seemed to pop up so quickly.

Nervously, Kyle debated what to do, but decided not to do anything until after lunch. Matthew didn't seem to be hurting of feeling ill because of whatever was happening. Kyle took a bite of his sandwich, watching Matthew eating his, feeling uncomfortable with this.

When Matthew was halfway finished with a second glass of milk, Kyle noticed that the breasts seemed to be even larger, and that his hair seemed to be an inch or two longer. Matthew looked down at his new breasts, a look of disgust on his chest. "My chest feels funny Dad" Matthew said, pushing his fingers into them.

Looking horrified, Matthew ran away from the table, with Kyle only able to stare behind him as he left. Getting up, Kyle started to clean up what was left, noticing that Kyle had left a little bit of milk in the bottom of the glass. "Waste not, want not" Kyle muttered, gulping the quarter inch of milk that was left in one swallow. He cringed, finding that it tasted rather bitter. "I'm definitely not buying this stuff when it comes on the shelf" Kyle said, to no one in particular.

Kyle called the doctor, telling him what he could about what was happening to Matthew. The doctor didn't seem too concerned, saying that it was probably an allergic reaction to something causing the swelling. The best he'd do for Kyle was make an appointment for late the next day. Sadly Kyle hung up, wishing that there was more he could do. In spite of what the doctor said on the phone, he had a feeling that it wasn't just an allergic reaction.

When Matthew didn't show up again after another hour, Kyle went to his room, hearing a sobbing from behind the door. He felt a surge of sadness wash over him, wishing dearly that he could do something to help his son. Knocking a couple times, Kyle walked in, seeing Matthew lying on his bed, crying into his pillow.

When Matthew turned over, looking back at Kyle, he cried out, "What's wrong with me Dad?" Kyle couldn't answer, being too busy staring at Matthew. In just an hour, Matthew's breasts had gotten larger. And his hair was down to his shoulders already, and beginning to pale drastically. As Kyle examined his son, he noticed the feminine characteristics that were appearing, making his son look more like a teenage girl than an 8 year old boy. And he was very afraid that it was only going to get worse.

"I don't know son" Kyle finally responded, hugging his son close to him, "but, it'll be all right." As Kyle held his son close to him, feeling the budding breasts pushing into him, he knew that no matter what that quack doctor said, this was far worse than an allergic reaction.

Shortly after this, they broke out of their hug, Matthew complaining "I'm thirsty." Going down to the kitchen, Kyle started to pour a glass of water for him, but turned around to see Matthew already drinking milk, straight from the bottle. Kyle didn't have the heart to say anything about it this time, especially since the Matthew was finishing the bottle off.

While watching Matthew gulp the white fluid down, Kyle started to feel incredibly thirsty himself. Staring at that milk, he realized that he wanted some. That milk looked really good suddenly. Before he could say anything, Matthew put the empty bottle down, sighing in relief. Kyle felt slightly disappointed, but at the same time, wondered why he should desire that milk. It certainly hadn't tasted that good.

It was then that it struck him. Matthew had been drinking that strange milk when he was changing, and Kyle gasped in shock, realizing just how much more he'd just drunk. As if to prove his theory, Matthew's hair seemed to grow a little more, and pale, becoming a dark blonde. Kyle stared at Matthew's now even larger breasts, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"I think it was that milk you've been drinking that's doing this" Kyle quietly told Matthew. Horrified, Matthew just stared at the now empty bottle, realizing what that meant.

Over the next hour, they both watched in a mixture of fascination and horror as Matthew continued changing. He didn't really grow any more taller, but he filled out instead, looking more and more like a woman. When they looked at Matthew's penis, it was only half an inch long, and was quickly getting smaller. His testicles had already disappeared. Finally, it seemed to be over, with Matthew having grown even older. When it was done, he looked as if he were a 21 year old woman, who was fairly well endowed. Probably a D cup, maybe even a DD.

Kyle felt extremely uncomfortable staring at Matthew, but he couldn't help himself. What was worse was that his eyes kept going to Matthew's breasts, which were hanging out uncovered. He felt that it was wrong to keep staring at his sons breasts, but he couldn't help himself.

Matthew had calmed down, and was accepting this a little better than Kyle, finding it very odd and somewhat uncomfortable, but not painful. "My chest feels heavy" Matthew complained, holding his large breasts with his hands.

Feeling uncomfortable with this, Kyle got up, walking back to the kitchen. Seeing the empty milk bottle on the counter, he was reminded of his own thirst, and drank a large glass of water, finding that it didn't help any. Remembering the small sip of milk that he'd taken, Kyle got worried, but told himself that since it was only such a small amount, it certainly couldn't do that much harm. At least he hoped that was so.

Sitting back, Kyle watched Matthew walk around, trying to get used to his new body, and his new balance. He seemed to pick that up fairly quickly, and was moving, with what Kyle thought, a bit of grace. He didn't think that at this rate, it would be very long before Matthew was indistinguishable from a normal woman in the way he moved. Still, Kyle kept catching himself staring at Matthew's breasts, and having to force himself to think of something else.

As the night was going on, Kyle's thirst was getting stronger instead of weaker like he'd hoped, making him very nervous. As much water and Coke's as he drank, it didn't seem to have any effect on his thirst, except perhaps to make it stronger. Fortunately, Kyle realized, he wasn't changing like Matthew had been. He wasn't showing any signs of changing, which relieved him greatly, though still not enough.

"Dad?" Matthew asked, coming up to Kyle, "These things are leaking" and he held his breasts. Kyle stared at them again, unable to help himself. He noticed a few drops of white liquid coming out of Matthew's nipples, and suddenly felt the thirst hit him, along with a hunger. He couldn't help but stare at the nipples and the milk coming from them. As much as Kyle hated it, he felt ravenous, and drawn to this son's breasts.

Kyle tried shaking himself and keeping focused, but his attention kept going to those breasts, and his thoughts kept imagining drinking from them. For awhile, he kept fighting with himself, between his incredible urges, and his belief that this was wrong. Very wrong.

Noticing his Dad's discomfort, and the way he kept staring, Matthew wondered what was wrong. He could see the pain in his Dad's face as he fought with himself. Matthew felt horrible about that, not wanting his Dad to be hurting. He wanted his Dad to feel good. Acting on this, he pushed one breast towards Kyle, gently pulling Kyle's head to the nipple.

Without any more prompting, Kyle starting sucking the sweet liquid down, unable to believe how good it was. How soothing, and oddly enough, how emotionally comforting. He felt so comfortable huddled up close to Matthew, drinking deeply, not wanting to stop.

Matthew gasped at the feeling he was getting as his breast was being drained. It felt great. Better than anything he'd ever felt before in his life. And he felt sort of protective of his Dad, pulled up close to him, knowing that he was feeding and taking care of him. When his Dad had finished with one breast, he moved over to the other, draining that one of milk as well.

Finally Kyle's thirst was satiated, and he pulled away from his son, feeling confused. He felt greatly embarrassed and ashamed for what he'd just done, but on the other hand, he also felt incredibly relieved and comfortable. Kyle decided to deal with the emotions by ignoring them all, pretending that the situation hadn't happened. But as much as he tried, he couldn't forget it.

Feeling completely and utterly exhausted, both father and son went to bed for the night.

Kyle woke up the next morning, feeling refreshed, but at the same time, hungry. Sitting up in his bed, he realized immediately that something was wrong. Looking down at himself, he almost screamed, seeing that all his body hair was gone, and that he seemed to be smaller than he was. If he didn't know better, he'd swear that he was just a boy again. With a horrible feeling, he remembered what had happened to Matthew.

Jumping out of bed, Kyle ran to the bathroom mirror, seeing his own face looking back at him, but his own face of years before. He looked to be about 10 years old. Gulping, he realized how much shorter he was.

Waking up Matthew, Kyle showed him how he'd changed. Kyle tried ignoring how erotic Matthew looked lying in his bed, wrapped with the sheets, but had a hard time doing so. Matthew smiled at him, obviously a little amused. And when Matthew stood up out of bed, Kyle gasped, realizing that he was looking up a little bit to see Matthew's eyes. When Matthew noticed this, he smiled again, obviously interested.

As horrified as Kyle was with his suddenly having gotten younger, he was more horrified to find his eyes locking onto Matthew's breasts again, both of them obviously swollen with milk once again. Wincing, Kyle felt the hunger again, and the desire to drink from Matthew's breasts.

Noticing his staring, Matthew pulled the blanket away from his breasts, smiling down at Kyle protectively. Matthew felt so needed, and sat down again on the bed, offering his breasts to Kyle.

Unable to help himself, Kyle started sucking on Matthew's breasts again, savoring the milk as it went down his throat. Part of him wanted to stop, to pull away now, afraid of what more of Matthew's milk would do to him, while the other part, the part currently in control, only wanted to satisfy that hunger, and suck in the warmth and comfort that came with the feeding.

Finally, Kyle finished feeding, and just laid there cuddled up against Matthew for a long time, feeling so relaxed and comfortable. After some time, Matthew made Kyle get up, so that he could go to the bathroom. Kyle wondered what it was like for Matthew to have to go to the bathroom like this, but was too embarrassed to ask that personal a question.

Both Kyle and Matthew sat on the couch in the living room, staring across at each other, both still amazed at the changes in the other. Matthew was actually moving fairly gracefully now, as if he'd gotten a lot more comfortable and familiar with his new body. He was dressed in one of Kyle's jogging suits, which didn't fit quite right, but would at least keep him covered for now. Kyle on the other hand felt small, tiny and weak, dressed in some of Matthew's clothes. All his adult size and strength were gone, leaving him with this child's body. And what was worse was that shortly after feeding, he'd noticed that he seemed to be shrinking still more.

For the time being, Kyle didn't feel that thirst, or that hunger. That demand that he suck on Matthew's breasts, but he dreaded it, knowing that it would come again and that he'd be helpless to fight it. Looking at Matthew, he saw that Matthew was looking at him protectively, making him feel even worse, not only because he felt so small and weak that he'd need protecting by his own son, but because he felt an odd sort of comfort just being near Matthew as well.

At lunch time, Kyle wasn't able to reach anything, so Matthew made sandwiches for the both of them, seeming to get slightly annoyed when he nearly tripped over Kyle, who had been trying to help. Sternly, Matthew told Kyle to wait in the living room so that he wouldn't be tripped over. Reluctantly, Kyle complied, knowing that as much as he hated it, he was so short now that he was easy to not notice.

Taking a bite of the sandwich, Kyle gulped a bit, forcing it down. It didn't taste quite right, being too bland. Matthew noticed Kyle's reaction to the sandwich, then patted his breasts with a slight smile, saying "I think you're going to be ready for your lunch soon. I almost am" Kyle groaned inwardly, knowing that Matthew was right. He could already feel the hunger beginning, and try as he would not to, he also felt an anticipation to the feeding.

When the hunger came, Kyle didn't even try to fight it, being to drawn to the breasts. Matthew seemed fairly eager for this, sitting down on the couch and having Kyle come to him there. Afterwards, Kyle belched a little, looking up and seeing the pleasured smile on Matthew, fell asleep cuddled up against Matthew on the couch.

When Kyle woke up later, he felt the clothes around his body were definitely too large, and he sat up, realizing how much more he'd shrunk. He couldn't be any more than 3 or 4 years old, and felt incredibly small. Especially when he looked up and saw such a huge Matthew.

Kyle tried to walk, but found his balance was very off, and that he also felt very clumsy. Nervously, he kept to the living room, being afraid that he'd hurt himself. God he wished that he knew what was going on. No way on Earth was milk able to cause all this. Nervously, all he could do was wait.

Looking around, Kyle noticed that Matthew was trying to figure out how to work the microwave, so that he could cook up some frozen dinner. Kyle was about to tell Matthew how, but he'd already figured it out himself. Smelling the food cooking, Kyle really wished that he could have some real food again.

Shortly after Matthew ate dinner, and teasing Kyle about it, Kyle got hungry again and Matthew had to pull the jogging suit open again so that Kyle could drink. Afterwards, Kyle once again fell asleep, and was laid carefully on the couch by a Matthew who had no problems lifting him like the small child he was.

When Kyle woke up again, he tried calling out, but only a gurgle came out. Horrified, he tried to sit up, but couldn't do more than wiggle a little. Shit, he thought. He realized immediately that he was a baby, and started crying, unable to keep himself from expressing himself the only way he could.

A few minutes later, a giant Matthew came over, and picked him up, making goo goo sounds, and tickling his chin. Kyle couldn't help but giggle. As afraid as he was, he felt protected by this person.

Suddenly, Kyle felt a warm dampness on his behind, and at the same time saw the look of disgust on Matthew's face, and smelled it. He giggled, as Matthew tried to find something to put on him. He knew that something was wrong, but he couldn't quite remember what.

As a towel was wrapped around Kyle's waist, he felt better, no longer being wet and uncomfortable. He smiled up at this lady, whom his instincts told him was very important to him. "You're such a cute girl" the lady said to him, and Kyle giggled, knowing that something was wrong with what she'd said, but not sure what anymore.

By the next feeding, Kyle wasn't thinking anymore, only responding to what her instincts and immediate urges demanded. Having become a baby completely.

Matthew cuddled the baby close to him, feeling protective of it. He knew that it had been his Dad, but the baby certainly didn't look or act anything like his Dad anymore. Matthew even suspected that he didn't remember it, that he was a normal baby. That made Matthew a little sad, especially when he started to wonder just what they could do.

He didn't know how to take care of a baby. He knew that he had to take care of this one, and loved her, but he... or rather she, didn't have experience with baby's. Or with being a woman for that matter. Worried about how she was going to handle it, she decided that first thing, she'd have to go to her grandma, and convince her of who they really were. From there on, Grandma would help with everything else.

The End