The Sphere by Morpheus

submitted by admin - Jun 7, 2002

Mikey trips over a shiney metal sphere, that he takes home to play with. A desire of his father for Micky to have a brother or sister and Micky's wish to be bigger than his mother so she will not boss him around and..?


Little five year old, Mikey Geller, was intent on the butterfly, slowly trying to creep up and catch the little bug. Just as he finally thought he had it cornered on a dandelion, he heard his mom, Lauren Geller call for him, distracting him just long enough for his target to excape his curiosity and fly away.

Mikey was a bit annoyed at the loss of the colorful bug, but went to his mom when she called him. He knew better than not to come when she called, and like any five year old, quickly forgot about the target which had so completely captured his interest just moments before. Mikey was really enjoying this picnic in the mountains, and was disappointed that it was time to go already since he'd been having so much fun.

Robert Geller, Mikey's father was busy loading the car back up, and the rather attractive, 27 year old brunette Lauren was impatiently waiting for Mikey to get back to them so that they could go home before it started raining. "Mikey, get over here!", Lauren yelled at her son for the third time. "All right, we're going without you", and she pretended to get in the car, watching out of the corner of her eye as Mikey started running so as not to be left behind.

Lauren heard Mikey start crying, and turned to see that he had tripped and was rubbing his knee. In motherly concern she ran over to him, and held him to her, comforting him. She noticed that it was only a small scrape on his knee, so bent over and kissed it for him saying "Is that better now" Mikey was holding back his tears and shaking his head yes, and Lauren wiped the rest of the tears off of his cheek.

Looking down, Lauren saw what Mikey had tripped over. It was some sort of silvery metal sticking out of the ground a bit. She rubbed at it and thought that it looked like some sort of silvery metal ball, over half buried in the ground. Curiously, she rubbed at the dirt around it, and pulled it out of the ground. It felt smooth to her touch, and not nearly as heavy at it looked. It was only as big as a large cantaloupe, and felt slightly warm.

She handed it to Mikey to let him look at it, and he giggled when he touched it, obviously thinking it was some great new toy to play with. Happy to have Mikey stop crying, she led him back to the car, with him carrying the silver ball like it was a priceless treasure.

Home was only an hour away, and the trip back was uneventful, with Mikey sleeping most of the way back.

When they got home, Mikey went outside and started playing again, with his new silver ball, apparently being recharged by his short nap.

Watching Mikey out the window, Robert smiled and turned to Lauren, saying "Honey, I think we should have another baby. Give Mikey a little brother or sister to play with"

Lauren shook her head no "Not now. I'm not ready to have another baby yet. Maybe in a few years" She put her hand on Robert's and kissed him deeply. He was disappointed, but not surprised since they'd been having the same conversation for the last two years, with him wanting another child and trying to talk her into it with no success.

Mikey was having fun playing pirate, and had buried his new treasure, in the woods behind the house, so that he could dig it up again later. Actually he put it into hollow in the bottom of a tree in the neighbors yard, and stuffed it full of pine needles and leaves, but it was good enough for a five year old. Impressed with his work, Mikey tried making a treasure map using a scrap of paper and some crayons, so that he could play pirate some more and dig up his treasure.

Working on the map, Mikey heard his Mommy calling him for dinner, and stuffed the half finished map into his pocket and ran inside. He ran to his seat at the dinner table, and saw they were having his favorite. Hot dogs and french fries. With lots of ketchup. He reached for some fries and his Mommy slapped his hand lightly, telling him to go wash his hands before eating.

Disappointed he went to the bathroom, and stood on the stool to wash his hands. He ran his hands under the water and decided he was done, but remembered that Mommy had said to use soap, and would send him back, so he put some soap on his hands and scrubbed them really good so he wouldn't have to come back again. Sometimes he thought "I wish I were big and Mommy couldn't tell me what to do"

In a minute he ran back to the dinner table, wiping the water off his hands onto his pants, and was stopped by his Mommy who examined his hands, then decided they were clean enough for him to eat with. Mikey was glad he didn't have to go back and wash again, he was really hungry.

Daddy put some fries on his plate and poured ketchup all over them, just the way he liked them. Yummy. Mikey liked dinner and at a lot. He ate two whole hot dogs, and he'd never eaten that much for dinner before. Mommy had looked a little surprised when he asked for another, but daddy just gave him another hot dog.

Mikey started yawning again, so Lauren led her son to his room, and got him changed into his pajamas. It was earlier than he usually went to bed, but Mikey was really tired, and must have been worn out on the picnic. She bent over, kissing Mikey on the cheek and tucked him in, saying "Good night", but he had already fallen asleep. While cleaning out his pants to put them in the laundry, she found a wad of paper with a few crayon marks on it, and shrugged then threw it into the garbage.

Lauren went back to Robert and they snuggled together on the couch. She could tell he wanted to ask about having another child, but didn't want to say anything. She decided to take his mind off the subject and asked him about what he had planned for at work that week. She listened for a few minutes, nodding and pretending to pay attention, then yawned. She decided she'd go to bed a little early too.

Lauren woke up, and turned over, seeing the clock flashing 0700. Robert had already gone to work. Getting up off the bed, she took her robe off the chair and put it on. The robe seemed a little loose to her. She decided that Robert must have put it on accidentally and stretched it a little.

Going to the kitchen, she was glad to see that the coffee pot was full and poured herself a cup and sat reading the paper for awhile. After a while, she decided that it was time to get Mikey up. She sighed. The beginning of another long day. Sometimes she wished she didn't have to take care of Mikey. She loved him dearly and wouldn't give him up for the world, but it was so much work and responsibility to look after a five year old. And Robert wanted her to have another one.

She went to Mikey's room and pulled back his covers. She noticed that his pajamas looked a bit tight, and decided that she'd have to go shopping again. And she'd just bought those pajamas a month ago. That kid outgrows his clothes way too quickly she thought.

Mikey woke up to his Mommy shaking him. "Time to get up honey". He yawned and sat up. His jammies felt tight, and a bit uncomfortable, but he ignored that and ran to the kitchen, where he started gulping down the bowl of cereal that his Mommy had poured for him. He was hungry and ate it all down, and asked for another bowl, which he'd never done before. Usually he just wanted to finish eating so he could go and watch TV

His jammies were feeling real tight, and were beginning to hurt, so after eating, he asked Mommy to help him dress.

Lauren was a little surprised. Usually Mikey just hopped down front of the TV after eating, watching Power Rangers or whatever it was he watched, and being perfectly happy to stay in his pajamas all day. Now he wanted to get changed. She could have sworn those pajamas fit him just fine the day before, now they looked almost as if he was about to rip out of them. Very odd.

Lauren pulled out some pants a shirt for Mikey, and found that he couldn't fit into them. She tried several different sets before she found a pair that had been several sizes too large for him, but now fit him fine. She thought that he did look a little larger. This was rather odd. It must be some sort of growth spurt he's going through, she decided, but she'd never heard of this much in a night.

Still a little worried, she let Mikey go and watch TV while she went to get dressed herself. She thought the bra she went to bed in and had been wearing was loose, but put that down to Robert stretching it a bit last night while playing around. But when she put another bra on, she found it just as loose. Not much, but enough that she found it noticeable. She was beginning to really get worried. Especially when the other clothes she'd put on felt loose as well. She finally settled into a pair of jeans that she hadn't been able to fit into in over three years.

Lauren was trying to decide whether or not to go to the doctor, but thought it would sound foolish if she called in complaining that she'd lost weight and her son was growing up. She'd wait till Robert got home, and talk to him about it. Maybe she thought, she was just imagining things. She hoped thats all that it was.

Lauren decided for now, to just go shopping for new clothes.

They spent most of the day at the mall, with Lauren buying Mikey some new clothes, and then buying some a little larger, just in case, she told herself. She bought herself some new clothes as well, and started to enjoy the fact that she could fit into a smaller pair of jeans again.

When they got back home, Lauren went and admired herself in front of the mirror, thinking that she looked better than she had in several years. She thought she looked a little younger. Standing on the scale, she found that she weighed over 15lbs less than she did the last time she weighed herself two days earlier. This was definitely weird she thought. She called Mikey to the bathroom and weighed him, then wrote it down on a piece of paper, along with her own weight. She couldn't wait till Robert got home.

For lunch, Mikey wolfed down two peanut butter sandwiches, while Lauren didn't feel hungry at all. She felt a little nauseous and ran to the bathroom, where a bad case of diarrhea struck her. She spent the next several hours going to the bathroom every 10 minutes.

This was horrible, and she decided to call the doctor as soon as Robert got home. Finally the diarrhea seemed to go away, and she started to feel a bit better. She stood in front of the mirror and noticed that her clothes looked a little baggy. Horrified she realized that her clothes were too big for her again. She stepped on the scale, measuring herself again, and finding that she'd lost another 15 lbs since she'd measured herself earlier. She was on the verge of panic, but tried to keep herself under control so that she wouldn't scare Mikey.

She went and saw Mikey playing in the living room, and noticed that once again his clothes were getting tight on him. These were some of the new ones she'd bought for him, earlier. They had been several sizes to big. When he stood up, she was shocked to realize how much taller Mikey was than he had been.

She asked Mikey to stand against the wall, and marked his height, then decided it might be a good idea to check herself too. She ran to Robert's tool box and pulled out a measuring tape, and measured the marks. Unfortunately, it confirmed her suspicions. Mikey had grown by almost 6 inches, and she herself had lost about 3 inches in height. Mikey thought this was funny and laughed, not realizing the seriousness of what was going on. He thought it was some sort of game.

Staring at Mikey in horror, she noticed that his dark brown hair seemed to be a little lighter than normal, and that it seemed to be growing a bit as well. Only an inch or two so far, and she'd been to intent on the other changes to notice it till now. She sat down on the couch and starting crying into her hands, praying for things to be right.

Mikey looked into the living room and saw Mommy crying. He didn't know why, and went up to her and hugged her. His clothes were feeling a little tight again, and he was about to tell Mommy, but decided not to since she was crying. Mommy leaned over and hugged Mikey, holding him real close, and he said "its all right", not knowing what was wrong, but knowing that Mommy always said that to him when he was crying, and it made him feel better. Mommy wiped off her tears and told him to stay inside for now, then she went to her and Daddys room. Mikey noticed her later wearing different clothes when she came back out. He had wanted to ask Mommy to help him change his clothes, but she was busy, so he decided that he was a big boy, and big boys change their own clothes.

It took him a little while, but he got some of the new clothes Mommy got for him on, but couldn't tie his shoes on his own yet. The new shoes that Mommy bought him were all right, but the laces were dangling, which didn't bother him.

Mikey went to watch some TV since the cartoons were starting, and he NEVER missed those. He didn't know why, but Mommy was smaller than before. He knew that he was bigger, and thought that was all. He couldn't wait till Daddy got home and he could show show Daddy what a big boy he was.

During the commercial, Mikey went to the bathroom and was surprised when he saw his reflection in the mirror. He stood and stared at it, unsure who it was at first. He waved his hand and saw his reflection move. He was sure that someone was tricking him. He looked so much bigger, and older. His hair was almost down to his shoulders and was a lot lighter than usually. He pulled it and yelped in pain. He hadn't noticed that before. While going potty, he noticed that his wee wee was still small and hadn't grown like the rest of him.

After this, Mikey couldn't go back and watch cartoons. He didn't' know what was going on, and he was getting scared. He ran to Mommy crying, and Mommy hugged him. He was surprised that Mommy wasn't a lot bigger than him anymore. She was a bit bigger than him, but she wasn't the giant she usually was.

part 2

Robert felt tired. It had been a hard day at the office and he was looking forwards to having Lauren cook a nice meal for him. When he got home and opened the door, he heard a voice yell out "Look Daddy, I'm almost as tall as Mommy"

He saw someone run up to him that he didn't recognize and hug him, he stepped back, and noticed Lauren inside the room too. "What's this?" He asked startled. He realized that Lauren looked shorter, and then she stepped forward and hugged him, and he realized that she was. He didn't know how, but his wife was definitely smaller, by about 6 inches.

Lauren just held onto him, crying, while the stranger was standing a few feet away, looking at him. Looking at this stranger, he realized that he looked familiar. He had light brown hair and was about four and a half feet tall. "Whats going on Lauren?" He demanded, in confusion. "I've shrunk" she said, tears running down her cheek. "That" she said pointing to the stranger, "Is Mikey"

"Mikey?" This definitely was weird, and needed seriously explaining. Lauren pulled him into the living room, and told him what had happened all day long. Robert couldn't believe it, and wouldn't have if he hadn't seen his wife and son with his own eyes. Now that he realized this was Mikey, he recognized him, but not only was he too tall, and looking several years too old, but his hair was inches longer, and a very light brown, rather than the usually dark brown.

Looking at Lauren, he noticed that she looked younger as well as just smaller, and that her hair looked like it was lightening a little bit. "I need a drink" Robert said, sitting back in shock, not knowing what to make of this.

Finally, Robert called the doctors office, but couldn't get an appointment till late the next day, and that was only by saying it was an emergency. It was an emergency, but not like any he'd ever heard of before.

Dinner was a somber affair, with each of the family quietly sneaking looks at each other. Mikey ate large amounts, and was looking to be about 10 years old at this time, while Lauren picked at her food, barely eating anything. Robert thought that Lauren looked to be no more than 16 at most.

After eating, Lauren rushed off to the bathroom, having another fit of diarrhea. Two hours and dozens of trips to the bathroom later, the diarrhea stopped, and Lauren was noticeably smaller again. While this was going on, Mikey had grown another several inches, and neither of them could fit in any of their own clothes, so Lauren wore her overly large T shirt, and a pair of very loose shorts, while Mikey was wearing his fathers overly large shorts and shirt.

It wasn't much longer before Mikey was the same height as Lauren, and was obviously getting a kick out of being as tall as his mother, in spite of the weirdness.

Mikey thought it was funny, being able to look his Mommy in the eye, when she used to be a giant. He wondered what it would be like to be taller than Mommy, and kind of looked forward to it. Mommy was real worried, but Mikey knew that Daddy would fix things, so he might as well have fun while he could.

His chest started to feel funny though, sort of sore and a little puffy, but he didn't say anything to Mommy or Daddy. When he was changing his clothes again, Mikey noticed that his Wee Wee was still small, and wondered why it wasn't getting bigger like the rest of him. He had seen Daddy once so knew that big boys had big wee wees. Maybe it would grow later. It wasn't important though, so he forgot about it for now and went to his room to play.

He was getting a little tired, and touched his chest. It still felt funny, and seemed a bit swollen and bigger, though not very much. Mikey thought about going to bed, but decided that he was a big boy, and big boys got to stay up late, so he was going to.

Looking for Mommy and Daddy, he saw them on the couch, with Daddy holding Mommy really tight. He thought Mommy looked like she had been crying again. Mommy saw him and got up, remembering that it was his bed time. "Time for bed honey" Mommy told him, and when she got next to him, Mikey noticed that he saw the top of Mommy's head. Wow, he thought I'm bigger than Mommy.

Lauren was horrified, looking up to to see Mikey's face clearly. He was at least four inches taller than her, and the horror of it hit her. She burst into tears, and Mikey leaned over and started hugging her, trying to comfort her.

Robert saw this, and realized his wife looked like she was 12 years old. He hadn't looked closely at her while he had been holding her, not wanting to see the changes she was going through. Her hair had paled a bit more, and looked like a dark blonde, and he realized that Mikey's hair was about the same shade of dark blonde, and down to his shoulders.

Mikey was about 5 feet tall, and Robert didn't recognize him. He even sounded different. His son looked to be maybe 13 years old, but didn't' show any signs of puberty, which made Robert sigh in relief, thinking there was enough problems already.

Watching Lauren crying made Robert feel rather sad himself. His wife was tired, and had a very stressing day, so he calmly hugged her and led her to their bedroom, and put her to bed, to get some sleep. Hopefully they could figure out what was happening and what was causing this the next day. He was putting a lot of faith in the doctor, but realistically knew that whatever this was, wasn't anything that the doctor could fix.

Lauren didn't want to go to bed at first, but Robert was very insistent that she get her sleep. And as Robert suspected, she fell to sleep very quickly.

Going back to the living room, Robert was so caught up in thinking about Lauren, that he didn't realize that Mikey was sitting in the chair watching TV, when it was his bedtime. An hour later, he heard Mikey yawn and realized that Mikey was still up. He shook his head, not recognizing the person sitting on the other side of the living room. It didn't look anything like his son. "Its time for bed Mikey" he told his son. Mikey yawned again and got up, then gave his father a hug before going to brush his teeth and go to bed.

When Mikey hugged him, Robert could have sworn it was like hugging his niece before she and his brother had died in the car accident several years earlier. He could have sworn he felt a pair of small breasts pushing into him from his sons chest. He realized that his son was looking more like a 13 year old girl than a 13 year old boy, and began to have a nasty suspicion, that he tried to put out of his mind.

Mikey yawned and looked at himself in the mirror, not recognizing the person he saw in there. He saw small bumps under his shirt on his chest, and pulled the shirt off to look. His chest was swollen a little bit on both sides, and he felt his chest. His chests felt a little like they were fat when he held them. And he noticed that his nipples were bigger. Taking his shorts off, he saw that his wee wee was still small, and looked a little smaller than it did before. Mikey thought that this was because he was bigger.

He smiled. He got to stay up later than Mommy. He was taller than Mommy too. Mikey liked this. It was funny. He wasn't sure though and was curious. Mommy was always big and protecting him, and taking care of him, now he was bigger than Mommy so she couldn't protect him anymore. He was getting a little sad, then remembered that Daddy could still protect him and take care of him. And now that he was bigger than Mommy, he could protect her and take care of her.

Yawning again, Mikey went to bed, and when he crawled in, his feet hit the other side of his bed, and his fat chests felt funny when he tried to lay on his stomach, but he finally got comfortable and fell asleep, curled up on his side.

Mikey woke up, hearing a scream. He straightened up and hit his head and feet on the ends of his bed. He felt weight on his chest and saw that his chests got fatter. They were a lot bigger now. Mikey realized that they were like his Mommys chest used to be, before she got smaller.

Getting out of bed, Mikey stood up and realized he was even bigger than before. He still has his shorts on, but they felt didn't feel comfortable. He wobbled a little when he walked, an felt something hitting him in back. He turned around, and saw that he had really long hair. Icky, he thought. I've got hair like a girl.

Running into the bathroom and looking in the mirror, Mikey saw a lady looking back at him. He saw the lady in the mirror standing there with her mouth open, with long blonde hair, and wearing shorts. He realized that this was him.

He stood in front of the potty and pulled off his shorts so he could go to the bathroom like Daddy did standing up, and saw that he didn't have a wee wee anymore. He put his hand where his pee pee should be, and there was a little hole. And there was hair all around it. Mikey was scared. He lost his pee pee.

Mikey started crying, and ran into the living room to have Mommy help him. He saw Daddy on the couch, with a little blonde girl around his age, sitting on Daddies lap. Or at least around the age he used to be. This little girl was crying too, and holding onto Daddy.

"Whats happening Daddy?" Mikey cried out, and was surprised to hear a girls voice, though he knew he shouldn't be. "I've lost my wee wee!!" Daddy looked up to see him, then turned his head away, and wouldn't look at Mikey. Mikey was afraid. Why wouldn't Daddy look at him. Where was Mommy?

The little girl stared at Mikey and asked "Mikey, is that you?", obviously surprised. Daddy still wasn't looking at Mikey, but said, "Mikey, why don't you go put mommys bathrobe on". Mikey thought Daddy sounded funny.

The little girl hopped off of Daddys lap, wearing nothing but one of Daddys shirts, which was like a dress for her. "Common honey, I'll show you where my robe is" the little girl told Mikey. Then it dawned on Mikey

"Mommy?" Mikey asked, shocked "Is that you, Mommy?"

The little girl shook her head yes and ran up to hug Mikey. Mikey had to bend way over to hug the little girl. She was so small, and didn't even come up to his waist. Mikey found this so odd, and felt himself wanting to protect this little girl. He couldn't think of this little girl as his Mommy. She didn't look like Mommy, and was so small. Mommy was always big and strong. This little girl was so small and helpless.

Mikey let himself be led to his Mommy and Daddys bedroom by this little girl, who pointed out a smooth white robe hanging on the closet door. The little girl, Mommy tried to pull it off, and was jumping up and down trying to get the hanger, but couldn't reach it. Mikey grabbed it, with ease, amazed at his new height. He would have had to jump yesterday, now he didn't' have to.

Mikey looked around at everything, and realized that everything looked so small compared to usually, and he felt like a giant. He was scared, but he kind of liked feeling like a giant. Carefully, Mikey put on Mommys robe, and had to let the little girl tie the belt at the waist. He payed attention so that he could do it himself.

Robert couldn't believe it. His wife woke up, looking like a 5 year old little girl, and his son woke up, looking like a 5 foot 7, 15 or 16 year old girl. A fairly well developed one too, he was embarrassed to say. Robert was in shock, unsure of what to do. He knew that he had to get them to the doctors, and try to find out what caused this, and if it could be reversed.

He had Lauren help Mikey dress up in some of her old clothes, being uncomfortable seeing Mikey like this, and finding his own son attractive. Robert noticed that they didn't seem to be changing any more, and assumed that they'd stopped, for now.

Lauren helped Mikey put in a bra, and he didn't want to wear one, but she managed to influence what authority she had left to convince him he needed to wear it. She had Mikey put on some of the clothes she'd bought for herself the day before. She reluctantly put faint traces of makeup on Mikey so that he wouldn't look out of the ordinary.

Lauren was having a hard time, looking up to Mikey, and he was obviously enjoying being bigger, but he was a little boy and was afraid of what was happening. Lauren herself was having a much harder time. She hated being so small and helpless. She had to dress up in some of Mikey's more gender neutral clothes to get by. They needed to get to the mall for some new clothes, as well as the doctors. Lauren prayed that there was something they could do. She couldn't bear to live like this.

The doctors appointment wasn't until 1 in the afternoon, so they went to the mall first, to get some clothes. Not wanting to attract attention, he decided that Lauren would pretend to be his daughter, while Mikey, being too old to be his daughter, would pretend to be his niece. Robert started calling Mikey, Michelle and told Mikey to call his mother Laurie. Calling a little girl Lauren might attract a little attention since it was a more adult name.

Lauren felt humiliated, and had to tag along pretending to be a little girl. She was horrified at how people ignored her and overlooked her, except other kids. She was nearly stepped on several times, and ran into, except that Mikey pulled her out of the way. He started to get protective of her, and taking a more big sister attitude towards her, which drove Lauren crazy since she couldn't say or do anything about this in public. Robert seemed to find it humorous, and may even have encouraged it a little.

After the shopping trip, Lauren was pulled into the doctors office, wearing a silly looking pink T shirt with an adorable teddy bear on it, that Robert insisted she wear. None of the other little girls things was much better. At least he let her wear pants instead of making her wear a cutesy dress.

Robert didn't tell the doctor the truth, but just had him examine them. The doctor was a little puzzled after checking them out and announcing that they were two perfectly healthy females of their respective ages of five and 15. Since their were no oddities, Robert felt it would have been useless to tell him the truth. He never would have believed them, and Robert was sure there was nothing that medicine could do to fix their problem.

As much as he disliked it, and Lauren had to agree, their condition looked to be permanent, unless they could find what caused the changes, and none of them had any idea.

After several days, Robert noticed that Lauren was acting more like the girl she looked like, and her speech patterns were changing. She was using simpler words and he even caught her trying to read a book when she thought he wasn't looking, sounding the words out loud, and having difficulty.

Sadly, Robert realized that the child's brain couldn't hold all that she knew as an adult. That the brain chemistry was different, and she was starting to become a child again completely. He had been treating her a bit as a child, forgetting that she was really his wife at time, but kept trying to be more mature with her. After realizing that he was losing her, he stopped talking to her as an adult, and started treating her completely as a child, and he encouraged his new niece Michelle to do the same.

Mikey was having a hard time, adjusting to being a teenager, but Robert was amazed at how quickly Mikey was picking some things up. He also noticed how Mikey's new female hormones were effecting him, making Mikey act more and more feminine. As far as Robert could tell, Mikey seemed to be just a blonde bimbo. Mikey took a protective attitude to his former mother and started acting like a big sister.

Robert was very sad to lose his son, and his wife in this way, but he found that in an odd way he'd gained a second child, like he'd wanted. Sadly, he sold the house and moved them all to a new town, where he told people that they were his daughter and niece. He told some of the neighbors that his niece had suffered a horrible trauma when her parents died, causing her to revert to a childish state, which she was slowly coming out of.

They settled into their new lives, each coming to terms with the changes and trying to go on with their lives. They were still unaware of what caused their changes, and the silvery ball was completely forgotten about, as Michelle quickly grew away from such childish boy games as playing pirate.

To be Continued?