Just Pretending, Part 4/6: Saturday by EgARednu Sphinx and Tabula Rasa

submitted by TabulaRasa - Aug 11, 2002

With their parents out, Eric and Brian need to find a way to pass the time. SORRY FOR THE LATE POST :p WILL POST SUNDAYS TOMORROW LATE :p


"It's not fair that I have to do what you say just because Mom and Dad are out."

"Look, I know mom and dad are out, but can't you entertain yourself for a few hours?"

"That's not fair! Why can't we do something together?"

"Becuase I don't want to do any of your stuff, and I don't want you messing with my stuff."

"That's not true. There are playstation games we could play together."

"What games? You can't even think of any, can you?"

"Well, we have Driver 2!"

"Bor-ing! When was the last time you saw me play that?"

"It's a cool game. You only won't play it because you know I like it. If I were older, I'd *want* to play it with you!"

"Wonderful. You're not older, though."

"Yeah, but I should be."

"Should be?"

"I'd be a better big brother than you are. The only reason you're the big brother is because you were born first."

"That is generall y the way it works."

"But it's not FAIR!"

"Neither is life. Get over it."

"But you're not being fair! You should play Driver with me!"


"Because it's a fun game."

"I don't think it is."

"But you're just saying that 'cause you don't want to play with me."

"Maybe so...you can't change it, if I am."

"Admit it. If I were the big brother, I would play it with you."

"You might...you don't know what it's like to be the big brother."

"Well, let's try it."


"We'll pretend you're the little brother, and see what happens."

"Look, mom left me in charge..."

"We'll just be *pretending*"

"Right...so how old am I going to be for the duration of this?"


"What about you? Fifteen?"

"How about twelve?"

"Better, I guess."

"What do you want to do while Mom and Dad are out, Eric?"

Eric put on a sarcastic, whiny voice. "PLLLLLEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASE can I play with your Playstation?"

"Well...do you promise to be really careful with it?"

"Yes. Not like when you broke one of the controllers."

"You're not pretending!"

"Well, you did!"

Brian sighed. "Yes, Eric, you may play with MY playstation. How about Bugs Bunny?"

"That's so stu--" Brian shot him a look, and Eric rolled his eyes. "Yeah."

Brian set up the game and handed a controller to Eric, who immediately began playing.

"Do you remember how to play?"

"I think so."

"Are you having fun?"

"It's kinda slow."



"Maybe you're just having trouble with the controller. I mean, it's a little big for a six year old's hands."

"But I'm a good player!"

"Sure you are."

"I am! But it isn't working!"

"What isn't?"

"The game! It doesn't do what I want it too"

"Well, would you like to try something easier?"

"Like what?"

"Well, we have 102 dalmations."

"OK. Then I can pretend I'm a puppy!"

Brian set up the game, and Eric began playing, letting out high pitched barks occasionally.

"Shh, Eric. You can't be that loud."

Eric lost interest in the game and started jumping up and down, trying to climb on Brian. "I'm a puppy! ARF! ARF!"

"Eric! Calm down!"

"Don' wanna!"

"Bad Eric. You have to behave while Mom and Dad are gone."

"Why do I hafta listen to you?"

"You're not mom or dad!"

"You're gonna be in lots of trouble if you don't behave."


"Are you gonna behave? Because if not, you can't use my playstation."

"Promise I can use the playstation?"

"Yes, but only if you're good."

"OK." Eric stopped jumping around.

"Now, what do you want to play?"

"Bugs Bunny!"

"Alright." He set it up, and Eric began playing. "You having fun?"


"I'm surprised you like it, since Mom and Dad got it for me. And I thought it was immature."

"Huh? But...I wouldn't play this..."

"I mean, it wasn't exactly marketed towards fifteen year olds. But hey, whatever you like."

"What's going on?"

"You said you really wanted to play, remember?"

"Yeah, sorta. Everything seems a little off. I'm gonna go take a na...er, lie down. OK? Don't make trouble, and yes, you can use the playstation."

"Thanks, big brother."