Tragic Kingdom Part One

submitted by techorganna - Dec 7, 2002

Part One, Regression to follow soon. I am not a true writer of Age Regression, preferring to deal with death and poetry, but I found a loop hole and am hoping to review John?s life in a retrograde fashion, so while this will not be a true AR story, I hope it will please some people on the message board.
Criticism is welcomed and ideas are welcomed too. Also, if anyone wants to ?steal? this story for another board or to rewrite or add on to, I just ask that you let me know in advance. Actually, I would not mind someone taking my story and adding to it, Techorganna

Tragic Kingdom
By Techorganna
Contains suicide.

Suicide seemed so good. Having a dead beat job as a cashier, John thought he was a failure. At twenty three, he had no girlfriend, lived in a boarding house, and could barely manage to make enough money to cover food and rent. Years of invalidation taught him nothing. He had no clue that, despite the fact that his father beat him when he was a child and teenager, his father still loved him. Actually, everyone around him loved him. However, the invalidation made him think otherwise. December 6, 2002 was to be his last day.

John suffered from too much stress. It writhed through him and often times made him shake, even on that fateful morning when he couldn't sleep and lurched toward the bathroom for his last bath. While drawing up the warm water, John slowly sank back into his room and rummaged around his dresser until he found his favorite incense, sandal root, a piece of paper, a purple pencil, some Mr. Bubble, and a small, dull pocket knife. Going back to the steamy bath, he poured in the right amount of Mr. Bubble, started the incense, and disrobed.

Once John was in the tub, he slowly pondered over his letter. It was to his mom; and he knew it would be too much for her once she read it. "Dear mom, I love you, but I cannot stand to see my life pass by in a waste. I hope you understand and I don't want you to cry when you see my face at the funeral, love John." Smelling the aroma of sandal root, he pulled the pocket knife from his side table and gorged the knife into his awaiting stomach. He then repeatedly stabbed his self over and over again in his throat, wrists, cut along his veins and arteries, and continuously stabbed his belly. Slowly he watched as his hot, red life force leaked into the water and soap staining his tub with his life.