ARSA Continuous Story Part 2 by Areg5

submitted by louder - Feb 17, 2003

The story continues. Marcia realizes that she is young again. The impossible was now very much possible!

Part 2 Areg5

Marcia didn't know what to do next. Maybe her hand did look a little younger. And the tiredness she had felt after running was gone. She felt inexplicably refreshed. Whatever, maybe the rest in the dark, cool room just gave her the chance to catch her breath. Well, she was in there for 20 minutes. It was time for her to go home and get ready for work. She opened the door and left the room.

"Feel better now young lady?" the storekeeper asked, with a grin.

"Yes, as a matter of fact I do. Thanks for letting me get myself together." Marcia responded, blushing. 'Young lady,' he has said. How many eons had it been since anyone accused her of that.

"My pleasure. Stop by anytime. My door is always open to you, Marcia," he said. And with that, Marcia jogged home.

She was really glad of the rest. Why, she felt like she could run for miles! By the time she got home she was ready for even more laps! But she had to get ready for work. Bill, her husband, had already left for work and the kids had gone to school. They had 2 daughters; Jennifer, 16 and Kayla who had just turned 11. They were certainly a handful. Jennifer's main concerns anymore were obviously boys, boys and more boys! She certainly attracted her share (like Marcia had in her youger days). She had beautiful long blond hair, and shapely slender body. Kayla couldn't wait to grow up, of course, but still had time. She was only in fifth grade after all.

Marcia took off her sweats and went to the bathroom to shower. She stopped in front of the full length mirror and stared, her jaw dropping. The young woman looking back at her didn't even look like she was 20 years old. Her breasts had regained their youthful perkiness, and not a hint of gray in her hair. She looked like a coed.

"! I'm young!" she said aloud. How was this even possible? That guy at the store wasn't kidding! She stepped into the shower and washed. Dare she go to work? What would the others say! Would they even recognize her? She got out and dried off. She went to the task of picking out her clothes. Geez, when did she start wearing such old lady stuff anyway? She put on a pair off lacy panties and a bra, noticing that she had to adjust the straps a bit. She no longer sagged and was a little bit smaller than she was before her run. She chose a short blue miniskirt that she hadn't worn in years, and a form fitting white sleeveless top. After all, she wanted to show off her new figure! She didn't put on much makeup. She grabbed her bag and car keys and went to work.

To be continued