Experimental Procedure Ch 10 by lane2k

submitted by lane2k - Mar 12, 2003

Jim continues to lose control over his life

Chapter 10

Andrea was slightly flushed, but feeling much better, when she returned to the living room. She stood over the playpen, gazing down at her tiny husband. He did not move. He did look up at her with eyes that showed the defeat he had just suffered. She glanced at the empty bottle lying beside him.

She reached down and grabbed him under each armpit. She lifted him and pulled him toward her at the same time, taking him out of the playpen and holding him around the waist with one arm, his back pressed against her.

When he saw the tiny clothes and the stack of diapers waiting for him on the bed he tensed and groaned but did no say a thing. Andy felt it and smiled. She turned him around and laid him carefully on the bed beside the items she was about to put on him. Before she started, she looked closely at him and spoke.

"Jim, honey. I know this is not going to be easy, but I need you to help me. I talked to Dr. Berk today and he says we may have a problem. It seems that word of you procedure has gotten out and there are doctors all over that want to study the results."

Jim shuddered at what that might mean. "So, what did he say?"

Andrea opened the locking safety pin at Jim's neck and slid the zipper all the way to his foot. She smiled slightly as she noticed he had an undershirt on underneath.

"He said although he wants to reveal his procedure, he wants it to remain a secret for now and does not want anyone to be studying his...um..results. Due to the fact that there was more reductions than were expected, he wants to do more studies before going public."

Andrea had pulled his feet out of the sleeper and lifted his upper body deftly to take his arms out. He lay there looking up trustingly at his oversized wife and waiting for her to continue. His concentration was only broken slightly when she unsnapped the undershirt between his legs.

"He has asked that you do him a "favor". Now listen to me. Don't react until I have a chance to tell you everything. He wants you to "hide" for a while, but not just that. We need the early results to be, oh what were his words... oh yes "not favorable." He has asked that in addition to reduced body mass, that you have reduced ability. Not really.. as he knows you are completely fine, just we need you to ACT like you are."

She studied his reaction as she gripped the top edge of the plastic pants and slid them over the sodden cloth diaper.

Jim's mind was whirling as he came to grips with where this was going. Fact was he had no idea. What was most on his mind was that his own wife was removing a diaper from him as if he were a baby. He marveled at how, even though inside the plastic pants he was soaking wet, outside had remained dry.

Also he had a slight anticipation about what Andrea was going to do next. The rush of warmth that came when "letting go" was a painful reminder of what he was wearing...and doing in them. However, when the pins were removed and the diaper came off....the sudden coolness...was strangely pleasant.

Andrea had stopped her chatting and was watching at just that moment when she pulled the thick material from between his legs. Jim actually smiled. She slid the soggy diaper out and another pair under his little butt before setting him back down on the bed.

She decided not to mention it at the moment.

Andrea applied ample powder to Jim's genitals and pulled the fresh diapers up between his legs. She was pinning the first side when Jim suddenly became aware of what she was doing. He looked up with alarm.

"Wait. I thought you were...."

She was ready for him. She reached over and picked up a pacifier that was laying there and popped it into his mouth. She held it there and held her face close to his as she continued.

"Just listen to me and LAY THERE." Jim whined slightly but did not move. Andrea finished pinning the diaper as she continued.

"Any way, Dr. Berk needs you to stay out of the public eye for a while and I agreed it would best for everyone involved for you to out of sight. And so..." Andrea shook out a clean pair of plastic pants, "We are going to have make you fit in the way you are."

She lifted his legs and slid the plastic pants over his ankles and down his legs.

Jim stammered around the pacifier, "You mean I have to hide like this?" as she stood him up on the bed and slipped the pants over his diapered backside.

Andy nodded. "Unless you would rather have a few dozen doctors prod and poke you the rest of your life." Jim shook his head slowly, not sure what fate would be worse.
"Good. Then it is settled. Just go along with it and everything will be fine. Understand me? GO ALONG with it... OK? Now.."

Andrea held up the blanket sleeper in one hand and a tiny outfit she had designed in the other.

"What are you going to wear tonight?"

Jim only had to think for a moment, then pointed to the miniature business suit. Andrea nodded, and then laid Jim back on the bed. She pulled the loose ends of the undershirt tight and snapped them between his legs. This pressed the double diaper tightly against Jim's crotch.

Andrea pulled the tiny pants up his legs and stood him up again. She pulled hard to get the elastic over the bulky diaper and once it was in place the fact that he was diapered could not be hidden. The bulk pushed far out in the back as well as front and between the legs. He looked down at the tiny slacks and groaned again. He spit the pacifier out.

"God Andy. Isn't there anything else I can wear?"

She shook her head and handed him his tiny button-down shirt, which he began to put on. It was long enough to at least cover some of the bulk and was glad of that until he noticed the snaps.

So did his wife.

"Oopsy," she said as she quickly pulled the elastic open on his slacks, slid his pants down and fastened the snaps of the shirt between his legs also. Then she pulled the pants up again. She thought he looked just darling.

"Sorry hon. You had your choice and you made it. Now we are almost ready."

She picked him up and, before he knew what was happening, set him into an infant carrier, pulled the straps over his head and clicked the front guard into place.

"No Andrea please," he helplessly cried. His frustration was building and Jim tried to push the guard away but was too weak. He even attempted to release the latch, with his fingers being devoid of fingernails, he could not even get it to move. Andrea loomed over him again with the offensive pacifier. She was ready to make to the next move in the situation.

"Jim, I swear, if you take this out ONE MORE TIME, I will personally take you over my knee and spank you till you cry. Do you understand me?"

Jim gulped and nodded.

Andrea said, "I can't hear you!!"

Jim spoke up, "Yes."

Andy slipped the pacifier back into his mouth and pushed his head back in the seat. She took a light blue blanket and tucked it all around him, with one flap up and above his head. She smiled at him and stepped into the bathroom.

Jim watched her go, feeling totally helpless and humiliated. He was able to move his arms and legs but that was it. He was helpless to care for himself in his situation. The entire situation was beginning to worry him.

It only made the matter worse when Andrea came out to get him with a coat on, her purse on one arm and a large bag slung over the other. She walked over and dropped her purse on top of his legs and lifted the infant carrier with her free hand.

He looked up with eyes wide at his wife. "What are you doing?" he asked as she headed out the front door. "Where are we going?"

"Out. We are going to Wal-Mart. We can stop for a burger at McDonald's and then I have buy some items for you."

"Andry, come on." Jim tried in vain to release himself from his prison. "I can't go out like this. You have me in a damned baby seat for God's sake!"

"Then act like a baby," she said as she opened the backseat and smiled as she saw Maria had in fact installed the base that matched the car seat in her hands into the backseat of her car. She flipped the loose end of the blanket over her husband's reddening face and slipped the car seat onto the base.

Jim tried to get the blanket off his face but she simply said "Leave it alone and no one will be able to tell that a tiny adult MAN is in this BABY car seat, diapered and sucking a pacifier. Would you want anyone to see that?"

Jim shuddered and dropped the blanket back over his head.

Andrea was having trouble getting the car seat to fit on the base and tried repeatedly to get it to fit. Just when she was thinking that it was the wrong base, she realized the problem. She spun the seat around and, with Jim now facing rearward, it slid into place with a click.

She giggled as she closed the door and moved to the drivers seat. As she slid into place she heard Jim mutter to himself, "Please tell me I am not facing the back."

He must have looked up from under the blanket because she heard him groan again, then there was not another word from the back.

All Andrea could see in the rearview mirror was the back of Jim's infant carrier. As he was not making any conversation, she thought she should liven up the ride a little.

"You want a bottle for the drive, honey?"

"NO! Please Andrea. Don't do this to me," came back the response from her unseen hubby.

"This is all for your own good. I have already explained it to you."

She grabbed her cell phone and sent a short text message to an email address. Things were moving ahead nicely.

They pulled into the parking lot and Andrea grabbed the diaper bag and purse. She came around and released the infant carrier. Jim did not even look out. For the entire world to see, another young mother was taking her sleeping baby shopping.

"Good morning" said the happy greeter at the door. Andrea smiled back. The greeter got a cart ready and Andrea set the carrier in the basket.

"You must have a NEW baby, dear," announced the greeter. "Can I show you how these new carriers attach to the cart?"

Andy nodded and the greeter lifted the carrier out of the basket and slid it onto the flip-forward part of the cart. She grunted slightly as the carrier was heavier than she had expected. It settled down with a click and she stepped back smiling. "There you go. Now you can have her close and it won't rock or move while you shop. Mind if I take a peek at her?"

Andrea shook her head. "No. HE is sleeping. I don't want to disturb him."

The greeter nodded. "I should have known it was a boy. He feels like he might grow up to be a linebacker."

Andrea giggled as she pushed the cart toward the McDonald's that was part of the Wal-Mart. She ordered a couple burgers, fries and a shake. After sitting down at a table in the corner she slipped fries under the blanket to Jim. She tore small pieces off the burger and handed them to him one by one. However, when he asked for a drink, she pulled a bottle out of the diaper bag and gave it to him.

Jim was so upset at this move that he tossed the bottle out of the carrier and it fell into the basket of the cart. Andrea calmly picked up the bottle, pulled off the blanket that covered Jim's face, and stuck the bottle in his mouth. She looked him in the eye as he considered fighting it, but dejectedly began to suck. She held the bottle with one hand, covered him with the blanket and resumed eating her meal.

When she was done, she let the bottle drop into the carrier beside her husband and rolled the cart into the store. She headed straight for the baby section.

Jim looked out from under the blanket at saw rows of bibs, formula and assorted toys. Jim whispered, "Andy, what are you doing?"

Andrea ignored him and moved around to the diaper aisle. She looked at the shelves full of different choices, feeling somewhat overwhelmed. She pulled a package of Pampers off the shelf and looked at what size they fit. Jim watched from under the flap of the blanket, trying to stay out of sight but still see what was going on.

Another mother with a 4 year old and a baby in a car seat strolled up, grabbed 2 packages of Luvs and walked off. Andy was just about to grab a package of those when someone called her name.

"And..... um... Mrs. Miller."

Andrea turned and saw Dr. Berk walking toward her. Jim dropped the blanket over his face, shivering in fright as someone he actually knew walked up to his wife.

"I thought that was you. Are you getting supplies for Jim?" Suddenly he noticed the carrier in the cart. "Oh that is perfect. Is he in there?"

Andrea nodded smiling and the doctor stepped over, looked around to see if anyone was in the area and flipped the blanket back from Jim's face.

Jim looked up at him with a weak smile. Dr Berk smiled at him then loked at Andrea.

"This is just perfect. No one would ever suspect. Are you here to get supplies?"

Andrea answered, "Yes. Maria only uses cloth diapers and I have no idea what size will fit him. I think these will" she held up the Luvs, " but I have no idea."

Dr Berk grabbed a package of Huggies and walked over to a clerk.

"Pardon me, could you give me some advice? This ladies baby is about 30 pound and 28 inches tall. What size of these would fit him best?"

Jim turned red as a beet and pulled the sheet back over his head. He lay there sweating the fact that the clerk might want to actually lok at him. Just in case she did, he put the pacifier back in his mouth.

"We do have some samples in the back. Would you like to try one on him?" asked the clerk.

No. No. No, thought Jim.

"Yes, that would be splendid," answered Andrea. She watched as the clerk headed to the back, then flipped the blanket away from Jim's face.

"Honey, did you wet your diaper yet?"

Jim lay there with the pacifier hanging loosely in his mouth as his face turned 2 shades darker red. He looked at Dr Berk who, along with Andrea, waited patiently for a reply. He shook his head.

"Well, hurry up so we can try these on you," she remarked and covered his face again. Jim did not see Andrea smile and wink at the doctor. From the choking noises coming from under the blanket, they knew Jim was not accepting what was happening to him.

The clerk returned with 3 diapers. "These are Huggies brand. I have size 3, 4 and 5." She handed them to Andrea, who took them with a believable smile.

"I just checked him and he is still dry. I will change him in a while. I have more shopping to do. Thank you so much."

The clerk walked away and Andrea fished a bottle out of the diaper bag and stuck it in Jim's mouth.

She did not care that the doctor was standing right there as she said, "You drink this right now and wet that diaper you are wearing. Do you understand?"

Jim, unable to get away from the woman that tormented him so, held the bottle and slowly sucked. Dr Berk looked away from the confrontation, slightly embarrassed.

"Walk with us, Jerry. Um I mean doctor." Andrea walked slowly, pushing the cart ahead of her. She would look down at Jim from time to time, a look on her face that said "Hurry up".

They meandered through the store making small talk and looking at items for sale. Jim was getting uncomfortable because what Andy wanted him to do, was going to happen soon, He fidgeted a bit, trying to get ease the tension in his bladder. Andrea saw noticed and stopped the cart in the sporting goods aisle. Try as he might, he knew the inevitable was about to happen.

Andrea saw the look on his face as he let go and began to flood his pants. Again he felt that warmth spread, warmth that was trapped against his skin with no outward indication. It felt like he would leak al over but the diaper did its job. Andy smiled at Dr Berk.

"I think the baby is wet."

Jim covered his face with his hands, totally humiliated in from of the doctor, as they headed toward the restrooms. Dr Berk hung back as Andrea went ahead. She turned and said, "They have a family restroom here. Come on in."

Jim sputtered, "Andrea, are you going to have him watch? Please Andrea, anything but that."

Andy looked at him. "Anything?"

Jim did not like how that sounded.

"Even having your diaper changed right by the front entrance?"

Jim's face went white as a sheet.

"I thought not." She turned and beckoned the doctor to follow. She smirk on his face told the story of what he thought of the situation. They entered the family restroom and locked the door. Jim was removed from the carrier and placed on the changing table. His diaper was removed, soaking wet, and each diaper was tried on him for size. The first 2 were far too small, but the number 5 Huggies fit him just fine. Jim wanted to die as his tiny genitals were exposed repeatedly before the doctor, then encased once again in a baby's diaper. Finally, with the Huggies on, he was returned to the carrier.

Dr Berk carried the diaper bag as they exited. They picked up 2 packages of Huggies Size 5 and checked out. People looked at the young couple as the tool their baby to the car. Jim said nothing and lay in the carrier wishing he were dead. He was trying to get used to the feeling of the disposable diaper he wore. I was thinner and he knew he would at least be able to put his legs closer together, if he ever got out of his car seat.

Andrea pulled the carrier off the cart, kissed Jim on the head and set the carrier in its base in the back seat. She popped another pacifier in his mouth, then closed the back door. Jim closed his eyes and pulled the blanket over his face to hide from the world.

He missed the short chat Andrea had with Dr Berk just before she got in the car and headed home.

To be continued.....