Hourglass part 1 & 2 by Libra

Jun 18, 2003

Holly Field's need to use a phone in an unusual shop leads to interesting changes for her and her younger sister.

note: when this story was submitted, it cut off in part 3, so only parts 1 and 2 were posted. Please repost parts 3 and 4


By Libra

Revised by StevenB

Sometimes by wasting time, you can actually gain it. -- Libra (2003)

Part 1

"Sir, can I use your phone?" Young 17 year-old Holly Field asked the store owner as she entered. Her car had just stopped dead in the parking lot.

Holly was thinking 'why did it have to stop working now. She had just grabbed some fast food and just pulling around to hit the exit.' This shop was the closest one in walking distance to her stopped car. It seemed to be one of those places that carry collectibles.

"Customers only, but if you were to purchase something you would be free to use it." Middle aged man replied.

"OK." Holly said rolling her eyes a bit, then looking around the store for a quick purchase. Some of the items gave her a creepy feeling. Grandfather clocks were to her left and display case with watches was to her right. Most of the stuff in here was quite old and would look terrible in someone's house. Newer items looked like they only sold around Halloween time.

Not wanting to spend too much in the shop she approached the front counter. There were some nice pre-paid phone cards on the counter in a display box. Then she spotted some marble statues below in a glass case. There were beautiful white and craved in detail. Holly only spent a few more seconds looking them over.

Hourglass one was easily the largest and cheapest one. It could fit in the pawn of your hand she thought. It was rectangle shape with an hourglass craved on the front. This was one of the few items in the shop she liked.

"Beautiful isn't it. One of my favorites." Shop keeper said when he saw which one she was looking at.

"Here, hold it." He said talking it out of the case and laying it on the counter.

Holly picked it up and thought it was warm to the touch. Then thought it was silly to think that. The lights in the case must have made it feel this way.

"I'll take it." Holly said in almost a hurry. It was like she had a strong urge to have it. She managed to dig out a few bills from her purse and paid for it.

"Good. If you're not happy with it, you can always come back and exchanged for another item of equal value. I am not responsible for any damage you may cause." He grinned as he handed her change.

"Don't think you need that phone after all. Your luck has changed." The man said looking over her shoulder.

Holly turned to see and to her relief it was her car running again. Sound of the radio and lights were on again.

"Could have been just a lose connection." The man said with a smile.

"Yeah." Holly said not sure what might have caused her car to go dead. Luckily she put in park before she got out.

"Phone will be on the house the next time you come. I never forgot a face." Clerk said closing the register.

"Thanks." Holly said then leaving to be on her way. Thinking to herself the car would have to break down again before she'd come back. The AC in that store must of been cranked up. The place was giving her chills now.

Holly didn't give the store a backwards glance as she drove off. She was careful to lay the marble statue of the hourglass on the passenger seat. Holly only snacked on her fries as she drove home. It had been another long day at work and she was looking forward to a long weekend.

Holly arrived home a little earlier then usual. Traffic had been good and she got back home before her food got cold.

"Heather! Not in my room again are you." Holly shouted When she enter the house. Heather was her only sister and younger then herself. 10-year-old Heather had been sneaking into her sister's room to try on her older sister's clothes. Holly didn't mind at first, but Heather would leave the room in such a mess after a while.

"No!" came Heather's voice from her own room. Heather did have an interest in trying on her sister's clothes lately. She was maturing early in body. Of course she was still in training bras. Heather had managed to conceal her maturity from her friends and even her parents. The only person who knew was her older sister. They had their private little chats all about her developing body.

Heather had managed to concern her maturity from her friends and even her parents. The only person who knew was her older sister. They had their private little chats all about her developing body.

Holly passed her little sister's room and went straight for her own room. Holly spent the next hour or so watching TV. She finished her fast food dinner in no time. Holly and her sister knew there would be no dinner tonight made by their parents. Their mother wouldn't be home until late tonight and the same with their dad. Both worked all the time to earn extra money and Holly was stuck at home babysitting her little sister nearly all the time now.

Holly left her room to put a frozen pizza in the oven for her little sister to eat as dinner. Heather loved pizza night. Every Friday she got to eat pizza and maybe stay up late to watch some TV.

Holly decided to catch a shower before pizza was done. She set the timer on the oven and bumped into her sister in the hall.

"What you get?" Heather asked from her doorway.

"Just a marble statue. No new clothes this time." Holly responded.

"Oh, Can I see?" Heather said looking little disappointed.

"Sure, Short stuff." Holly said leading her back to her room.

"See, Neat huh?" Holly said as she unwrapped it. She had left the hourglass statue on the bed.

"Guess so." Heather answered back with little interest. As Heather looked it over, Holly began to strip off her clothes. Being the close sisters they were; each felt comfortable in front of the other. Holly stopped when she got to her underwear.

Heather took a quick glance to admire her older sister's body. She also took this moment to ask a few more questions about boys.

"Don't you worry. You'll be dating soon enough like me and Terry. You should enjoy your childhood while you have it. Sometimes I wish I was a kid again." Holly said getting everything she needed for a quick shower.

"I wish you were my age so we could play." Heather said still holding the hourglass.

"Whoa. Is it getting warm in here?" Holly asked wiping her brow. Then Holly fell to her knees catching herself with her hands. It was like a fire was inside her body now. It wasn't painful, but she could feel something happening to her.

"Holly?" Heather shouted when her sister nearly collapsed.

Before Heather could ask if she should call for help, she saw her sister was getting smaller. It appeared her body was moving away from her at first. She lost size and her limbs were smaller now. Holly regained her strength and was able to stand up now.

"Your face." Heather gasped at her.

Holly turned to look in her full length mirror. Her faded freckles were coming back and her face was changing in shape. Round was the better word for it.

"I am getting younger." Holly said with a puzzled voice. Heather put the hourglass down on the bed and walked up to stand behind her sister.

Heather stood a good three feet back and watched her older sister in the mirror changing. Now the shape of her body was changing. Her curves were nearly gone now and her breasts were getting smaller. Holly's bra was just dangling off of her shoulders and her underwear had slipped down her narrow legs. If Holly had been less concerned and more aware she would have noticed.

"Please stop." Holly begged to her body. Her voice now higher then normal.

Too scared and shock Heather only stood her ground watching with all her might.

Holly's body didn't listen to her and continued to shrink and change. Her once proud breasts were just small mounds that barely came out. Much smaller then her younger sister's and her hair below was gone. Holly covered her privates when she noticed. Her skin was bare and smooth to the touch. Color in her skin also faded to a lighter shade. Her normal tan skin was completely gone.

Finally it stopped and Holly was watering up around the eyes.

"What happened to me?" Holly said nearly crying. Her voice almost took her over the edge. It was so high and so little girl like in tone.

"Holly, Should I call the hospital?" Heather asked still not sure to move.

"No, but hand me my shirt." Holly said not wanting to move. She looked so much like a frighten child now Heather obeyed her out of pity.

"Ok." Heather said with a pause. Then taking the shirt off the bed and handing it to her at arm's reach. Holly slipped it on and the shirt now hung to her knees and looked way to big for her.

"OK. We just have to stay calm and figure out what happen." Holly said walking over to the bed to sit.

"You wished you were a kid again and it happen." Heather said in amazement looking at her sister.

"Can you wish a horse for me?" Heather asked her. She was hopeful her formal older sister now had the power to grant wishes.

"OK. I just wish I was back to normal. I wish I was a normal again." Holly said ignoring her sister's question for now.

Nothing happen as Holly watched her body for changes. Then she ran though in her mind the conversation.

"Heather, Wish me back to a teenager. Then you can wish for a horse." Holly pleaded.

"I wish my sister was normal again." Heather stopped to see if her first wish was granted.

Still nothing happen to Holly as they both watch for changes. As soon as Holly started growing older Heather would have made her next wish.

"Holly, what are we going to do?" Heather asked looking scared

Holly was busy going over the events before her changes and then it came to her that Heather was holding the hourglass when she wished. Turning her head to look for it she saw it was laying on the bed.

"Heather, It was the hourglass that changed me." Holly said picking it up.

"Cool." Heather exclaimed.

"Wait! Do you have to change back to a teen now?" Heather asked.

"Well, yeah. I'm suppose to be your babysitter and I should be older then you, besides I don't want to be stuck like this when mom and dad get home." Holly said holding the marble hourglass gently.

"OK, but can I use it after you?" Heather asked.

"Let's see if it still works first. I wish I was an adult again." Holly said.

"Hey, you're getting bigger now!" Heather said with relief.

The feeling inside this time was less in warmth. She could feel her body growing and expanding. She watched her body bloom into early womanhood and her limbs lengthen. Her breasts were back and her hair below tickled as it grew back in. Her face was well on its way of changing to a mature looking face.

"Holly, you look different then before." Heather said puzzled by her sister's body.

"Wow. Your pretty." Heather said looking at her sister. Holly was now an adult woman of 21 years of age.

"Guess I should have been specific about my wish." Holly said stretching her shirt down to cover herself with her free hand.

"Ok. I wish I was 17-years-old." Holly said to the point and clearly.

Her body lost some height and became less mature at her words. Holly felt her breasts become lighter and her hair retreat back as the changes took place. Carelessly Holly left the marble hourglass on the bed to stand in front of the mirror. She smiled at her figure and saw she was back to normal.

"I wish for a horse in the backyard." Heather said holding the hourglass with both her hands. Heather had thought out her own wish like her sister did.

"Heather!" Holly called out as she ran to the back door to look in the yard carrying the hourglass.

Heather set the hourglass on the table by the door and rushed out to the backyard.

"It didn't work!" Heather said looking desperately around the backyard.

Holly also looked around now holding the hourglass. Just in case she would have to wish away the horse. Of course she was going to explain why they couldn't keep a horse to Heather first.

"Being this is an hourglass I think it can only change your age." Holly said thoughtfully in a low tone just in case anyone was in their backyard.

"Can I be adult like you were?" Heather asked hopefully in a whisper catching on someone might hear them.

"Not yet. Look we shouldn't play around with this. Come back inside lets talk about this." Holly said. Holly was still dress in only her shirt and hoped no neighbors were watching. This was a sight for most boyhood fantasies.

"Sit and wait for me here. I'm going to get dressed." Holly said pointing to the kitchen table. Glancing at the timer she saw that only ten minutes had passed during the chaos.

Holly went back to her room to put on a bit more clothing on and to place the hourglass in her small china cabinet. She turned the key to lock it. Then placed the small key on her key ring along with her car keys and house key.

Holly returned to the kitchen with Heather looking hopeful for her return. Holly sat down to the chair next to her and made sure to look and sound serious.

"Look we can't tell anyone about the hourglass. Not even mom or dad. If you accidentally say anything to anyone, just say it was all pretend game we played. " Holly said looking into Heather's eyes.

"Why?" Heather asked a little confused.

"Well someone might steal it or break it. If mom or dad get a hold of it and know what it can do, they might put us back in diapers." Holly warned her little sister.

"Mommy wouldn't do that. Would she?" Heather asked. She then thought of all the times her mommy called her my baby'.

"She might." Holly said knowing her warning had some meaning.

"OK. Promise I get to use it. It would be really cool to be older." Heather said as a final statement to this conversation.

"Only if it is safe to use." Holly said standing up. She only slipped on some underwear and still wanted to take her shower.

"Thanks." Heather said with a smile. She was thinking at that moment on which clothes to wear when she was older.

Holly kept thinking at any moment now, she going to wake up and this all had to be crazy dream. As she walked back and got in her private bathroom with a shower stall. Since this wasn't a dream she didn't wake up. She stripped the last of her clothes off and tossed them through the open shower door before closing it. While the hot water washed over her body she thought over everything. Where she got the statue and what just happened.

Holly had just gotten dress in her night shirt and shorts when the timer went off on the oven. Her and sister sat on the living room floor eating the pizza. Holly was surprisingly hungry and didn't know exactly why. She was unsure if it was the excitement or changes that took place in her room just under an hour ago.

"Wouldn't be so bad being a baby." Heather said still thinking it over as she remembered how much care and attention mothers give babies.

"Oh yeah. Mommy would have to change your diapers and potty train you. All your friends would see you naked during those diaper changes and see you only wearing a diaper." Holly teased.

"I'd change back before any of that would happen and mommy would never know." Heather answered back looking proud of thinking it out.

"Still. Don't tell anyone about it and don't think about using it on mom or dad, unless you want to get into big trouble." Heather said then taking another bite of pizza. Good thing about Heather was she did listen after the second time.

"When can I use it?" Heather asked hardly taking a bite of her pizza.

"When I say you can, but not now. Mom will be home soon and we have to be careful to keep this a secret." Holly explained.

"Alright. Are you going to use it again?" Heater asked with a curious voice.

"Maybe." Holly answered back not sure if she was. Some of her thoughts were about returning the item or just tossing it.

"To turned into a baby?" Giggled Heather in a teasing voice.

"Then I make you change my dirty diapers and get into all your dolls." Holly said in the same teasing voice then tickling her sister.

Holly later thought it wasn't that funny to joke about such a thing, but at that moment it did seem ridiculous to do so. High pitch laughter from her sister carried through the house as her older sister tickle her without mercy.

"Stop!" Heather managed to gasp between breaths. Heather felt like she was going to wet her pants if she didn't stop laughing. At her word Holly did stop and allowed her sister to catch her breath.

"Bath time. Then you can stay up until mom gets home. " Holly said hoping this reward will seal the promise she made.

"OK." Heather said then getting up to head for the hallway bathroom.

Heather made her bath a quick one this time. Only spending a short twenty minutes in the water. She got out of the bath to dry and then looked in the mirror that hung low on the wall. She looked in the mirror and imagined her reflection as a teenager. She stared at her undeveloped body and thought about changes she saw earlier today. Heather could almost see her breasts now full and like her sister's. Her own face beautiful and mature with long hair. Thinking happily she wouldn't wear any more training bras, but have her own bras to wear. The only thing she was unsure of was would she like all that hair between her legs.

Heather knew all about sex and where babies come from thanks to her parents and sex-ed classes. Heather had skipped a few grades when she was younger. In the classroom she was younger and smaller then most girls.

Some of those changes were frightening to think about. Only some of her fears were relieved after she asked her sister about them. Not wanting to be caught naked and looking at herself for so long. Heather wrapped a towel around her body and slipped out of the bathroom to her room.

While Heather dressed, she thought her clothes were so childish. At night she had to wear her old bra which was for girls with flat chests. During the daytime she wore her training bra to hide her chest. Her underwear seemed like something only little girls wore, plain white with a pink color bands around it.

Heather finished getting dressed and was glad her pajamas hide her undergarments from the world. She was at a difficult point in her life. Hiding her maturing body from her friends so they wouldn't be jealous and wanting to be mature so she could match her classmates so she wouldn't be embarrass of her body for being so undeveloped.

Heather wanted both worlds with none of the problems. More then anything she wanted to be woman instead of being girl that wasn't even a teenager yet.

As Heather walked back to the living room, she thought that her wish for a horse she had made was so stupid and childish. Heather was more determine to be more responsible and mature like her sister from now on.

Heather sat on the floor along her sister as they watched some movies on TV. Usually chick flicks were on and both love to watch them.

Mrs Field came home to a nice sight. House was clean and her daughters were watching a movie together. She had some doubts whether they get along. Even the closest of sisters will fight from time to time.

"Hey mom!" Heather said first then Holly.

"Hey, Did you all have a good day?" Mrs Field asked as she tossed off her light coat.

"Yeah." Both answered at the same time.

"Jinx." Whisper Holly first.

"Well, I am pretty tired and going to get ready for bed. If you need anything just ask." Mrs Field said as she left the room.

Mr Field came home only a few minutes later. Same general questions and how are things were asked. He too left to join his wife for a long night's rest.

Forgetting the bed time she laid out Holly said they both should hit the sack now. Both girls were asleep in no time once they laid down in their bed.

Thoughts on the hourglass were lost as each spent their free day away from each other. Holly spent her day with her boyfriend Terry who was just a year older then herself. Heather spent the day with her mother learning how to cook up a new dish. Heather was convinced once she learned how to make her own meals she could be left home alone. Dad was busy cleaning out the attic of old clothes and toys. These boxes were temporarily stored in the garage until he could find the time to donate them.

Holly struggled with herself about telling Terry about her hourglass. She knew that a simple demonstration would convince him of the truth. It was just he was another boyfriend that might come and go in life. Would he keep it a secret even after they parted if they ever did. Terry did have a way of reading her no other could do. He had been open to her since the day they meet. Even if they broke up, there was no doubt they remained friends at least.

"Something wrong. You haven't said much?" Terry said as they waited in line to the movies.

"No, Just thinking some things over. Making up my mind that's all." Holly said truthfully.

"Well if it is about going to the same college count me in. " Terry said. He own thoughts were about the future.

"Thanks. Hey, what movie do you want to see?" Holly said changing the subject.

"Whatever you want." Terry said then knowing she didn't feel like talking much right now.

Holly's free day ended with her and Terry saying their goodbye at the end of their date.

Hourglass part 2

By Libra

Sunday seemed to fly by as well as Saturday did. Another work week was here to stay. Holly was off at her waitress job while Heather was at school. Their parents planning more long nights of work. Wasn't until Holly got off of work did the hourglass came back into her thoughts.

She drove by the shop to see it again and maybe to ask a few questions. A nice sign saying 'moved' was the only thing in the window now. It was completely gone now. Not trace of the store was left. Only an empty store was left. Holly drove on without stopping anywhere else that day. She was now eager to try out the hourglass. Given the chances to return to normal she didn't think of it as a risk now. There was always a chance that it had only so many wishes and she might be stuck at a age. She thought it was worth the risk as long she was close to her normal age.

Not to use it was something she couldn't do. At anytime she could become an adult for some fun was one idea she had. Another possible idea was her to become Heather's age again. That way she could hang with her sister and not be the older sister just babysitting.

Heather's own dreams were becoming a teenager and hanging her older sister and she did have other dreams of becoming different ages. She thought it be cool to be with her sister then adult now.

Heather would arrive first at the house every day from school. She took her hour to look at the hourglass in the case. Even if it was out in the open she wouldn't have touched it until her sister got home. Heather new sense of maturity was still firmly in place. She decided to watch some TV in order to pass the time.

Holly arrived home at last. Heather jumped from her spot on the sofa and was at her sister side in no time.

"OK, but your changing back before 9:00 p.m Mom and dad won't be home until 10:00 p.m." Holly said giving into her sister's wishes. A few trail runs on her sister would be safer then using it on herself she thought as they walked.

"Better take off your clothes and grab my bathrobe to wear." Holly said already guessing Heather's first wish.

Heather was quiet, but did what she was told. If there had been a world record for taking off clothes, Heather would have surely beaten the record. She was adjusting the robe around her in a loose knot when she came back out.

"Ready?, Remember to be careful." Holly asked opening her palm to allow her sister to touch hourglass in it.

"I will." Heather said then laying a few fingers across the marble. Clearly in her mind and her voice she spoke her wish.

"I wish I was the same age as my older sister." Heather said proudly.

Holly waited a few seconds before the changes took place. Heather had felt the same fire that came from within the body as her sister did. She sat on the bed and doubled over. Then she felt her body grow. The full length mirror was in perfect view of her. Holly stood off to the side watching her little sister grow up at a faster rate then normal.

Freckles faded away to pimples then to clear smooth skin. Her hair and nails grew a bit as she aged. Her height was increasing now and her limbs went from childish arms to become slender teen arms. Heather was always at chest level with Holly but this was changing fast. She grew until she was almost the same height as her sister, maybe an inch or two shorter at the most.

Holly watched her face since her body was cover up. Sweet innocent round childlike face changed into a oval shape. Her face was that of a mature teen and even her teeth had changed. Much like her own they were almost perfectly straight.

"Cool." Heather exclaimed in her new mature voice.

"Wow. I sound like you." Heather said getting a closer look in the mirror.

Holly watched her face since her body was cover up. Sweet innocent round childlike face changed into an oval shape. Her face was that of a mature teen and even her teeth had changed, much like her own, they were almost perfectly straight.

Holly thought that the eyes were truly the windows to the soul. In her sister's eyes she saw that this teenager was indeed and still is her little sister. Thinking only her body has changed.

"Sis, Can I try out some of your clothes." Heather asked opening the robe. To Heather this was like open a present on Christmas morning. Her body was a teenager's. Her breasts now a touch bigger then her sisters. The spot between her legs felt natural and it had only tickled her when the hair grew in.

"Kept your robe close until you're ready to put on something. You're more grown up now." Holly said checking to see if the curtains were fully closed and of course they were. Heather closed the robe and looked back her sister.

"Here try this and slip these on." Holly said, handing her sister some older clothes she rarely wore.

Heather love this part more then anything. Lace underwear and a real woman's bra were now in her hands. She slipped the underwear on first careful not to show anything. She did disrobe to put on the bra. This new bra was tricky and she wasn't used to the smaller hooks.

"Here, let me help." Holly said walking forward to latch the hooks in.

Heather slipped on her new shirt and then her shorts. Then she noticed that her legs were little different, long and slender unlike her childish chubby legs.

"Wow, Heather. You're going to be beautiful." Holly said standing back to get a better view.

"I am." Heather said not taking her eyes off her face and new clothes.

"Your paler in skin then I am. I guess since you don't spend much time in the sun that's why." Holly said looking over her milky skin.

"Can we go out and have some fun?" Heather asked.

"Not tonight. Maybe I'll take you out another time. I can pass you off as my cousin if we do." Holly answered.

"Well then, Can I try on some of your clothes? Maybe a dress?" Heather asked wanting to try on a dress in her new body.

"Alright, let's see if you can fit into my old dress." Holly said as she put the hourglass back in the case and didn't lock it this time.

As Holly told Heather a few more pointers on style and why boy and girls do certain things. Heather was working her up into trying some of Holly's more recent clothes.

"Did you notice I didn't have to shave?" Heather asked. She only realized this when she was trying on nylon stockings.

"Must be the hourglass that does that. Preventing some stuff not to happen just yet." Holly explained.

"Try on this while I throw some leftovers in the microwave." Holly said pointing to her skirt in the closet. Then leaving to do so while her sister changed cloths again.

Holly went back for sister and they sat at the kitchen table. Holly explained more about how teenagers act and what is proper behavior. Heather listened carefully as she ate. There were so much to learn and she wanted to know them all.

"We better catch a shower after we get done eating." Holly said noticing how much time had passed.

"Me first." Heather said after she took her last bite.

"Besides your not done eating yet." Heather added with a smile.

"OK. Make it quick." Holly said then went on eating to finish her meal off.

Heather enjoyed her adult body again. It didn't occur to her to take a shower instead of a bath. She enjoyed feeling the warm water over her body anyway. To Heather's disappointment she didn't fit in the tub anymore. She had to bend her legs to laid down. She spent nearly all her time going over her legs and arms. It was all just so amazing to her to see this body that was hers.

Heather thought it wasn't lady like, but she did examine her breasts and her private area. As she touched them, new feelings and senses were kicked in. Heather stopped herself before it went any further. Standing up Heather was in awe on how small this bathroom was to her. Yesterday she easily fit in that tub, but now it could barely hold her.

Heather started to drain the water and only turn on the shower head to wash her hair. She loved that fact it was so much longer now. Heather got out of the tub then turned off the shower. She dry quickly and took one more glance in the mirror to admire her body. She wrapped a towel around her waist then thought it was better to cover her breasts. She fixed her towel so this was so.

'There' she thought. She was already learning what Holly would call modesty.

Heather return to Holly's room to find she was already out of her shower and dressed.

"Well sis, got another chance to admire your body?" Holly asked

"Yeah." Heather replied with little red in her pale cheeks. Lowering her head slightly to hide her face.

"Well I should call you by your middle name when you're changed in age." Holly said thinking this situation over.

"I always like that name, Megan." Heather said looking at her face. Then thinking it was a secret name when she was a teen.

"Better change you back now and clean up this room." Holly said noticing the time and the mess they made.

"Ok, but when can we do this again? I really want to go out and have some fun." Heather said with a grin.

"We can do this again on Wednesday at the earliest. That is my day off so we have more time. Might be able take you out on Friday night. Me, Jackie and Terry are going to catch the new movie this week. I think Terry going to bring a friend or two as well." Holly said after she got the hourglass from the case.

"Wednesday." Heather said to remember.

When Mrs Field arrived home that night she found that both her daughters were asleep in their beds. This confused Mrs Fields for a minute then she had a good look around. The house was cleaner then normal and Holly's room was more in order then it had been in years.

Mrs Fields then thought her girls were buttering her up for a favor. Then thought they did earn it and if it was reasonable she would give it to them.

Mr Fields came in after to find his wife still going over the house. He expressed his amazement to how clean it looked. Little did he know the girls were wiping away any proof there was two teenagers in the house and not just one.

Tuesday drag on for Heather as she sat in class. She had aced the spelling test and didn't care. Her thoughts were focus on becoming Megan again. For Holly she was busy thinking of new possibilities to try out. She wanted to test out the hourglass more.

It was the old boxes in the garage that gave her the next idea to try. This time Heather wouldn't be alone in this adventure. Holly did try out the hourglass all wednesday and only changed back after getting use it. She did have one close call when she de-age herself too young to crawl. She only managed to roll over to the hourglass that was on the floor to return herself to normal.

"Holly?" Heather said when she arrived home. Holly's car was in the driveway, but Heather didn't see her yet.

Curtains were closed and only a few doors were open.

"I am in here, sis." Holly voice came from her bedroom.

"Hey." Heather said when she entered the room. Her eyes glance over to the case and saw the hourglass wasn't there.

"I'm going to try something different tonight with the hourglass. I'm going to be joining you sis." Holly said as she lightly tapped her pocket. Inside that pocket was the hourglass.

"Are you going to be adult again?" Heather asked.

"No. We are going to become kids. I thinking of half our age will be a good." Holly said calmly.

"Don't want to be a baby." Heather said,

"You won't be one. You'll be 5 years-olds and I'll be 9 Ohm years-old. I got some of our old clothes out too to wear. I'll go first to show you how much fun this will be." Holly said pulling the hourglass out of her pocket.

"I wish I was only 9 Ohm years old." Holly said with her eyes closed.

Holly's body went through the process of becoming younger. Her face lost its maturity and only showed a child's face. Her shorts and panties fell to pool around her feet. Her shirt now covered her. The front of the shirt was getting flat then only two small lumps were poking slightly out. As these changes took place she was getting shorter and shorter. Holly opened her eyes to see that she was just little shorter then her sister.

"See. The more times we use it the less we feel that warmth inside our bodies." Young Holly said in a voice that sounded a lot like her sisters.

"Your turn." Holly said handing the hourglass to Heather. While she got dress in the clothes she got from Heather's room and the garage.

"I wish you were 4 years-olds" Heather said before Holly could have moved.

"Heather, no." Holly said already too late to stop her.

Holly had already taken off her shirt and only had on a pair of Heather's underwear on. She made for a grab of the hourglass, but her height and limbs were shrinking fast.

Chest now flat and panties sagging as her hips narrowed. The world around her getting taller by the second and now she was only as tall as Heather's stomach. Her chest had even changed becoming less in width and her limbs were so thin. Knowing now she could never reach the hourglass from Heather's grip, Holly used her hands to hold up the little girl's underwear.

Her hands were force to hold it on the sides due to her stomach. Baby fat was returning to her body. Her belly grew outward and became round. Her legs and arms were slightly chubby then she felt her teeth becoming more childlike. The teeth in her mouth were spacing out and becoming very small.

From Heather's view, she saw a girl change into a toddler. Holly was cute and adorable now. She looked like a toddler playing dress up and trying to make the big girl panties fit. Her face was completely unlike her more adult face. Chubby and round with a cute bit of hair on top. Holly's blight little eyes were something to see in a toddler's face.

"Your so cute, Holly." Heater said looking her over then walking around her. While Holly was busy looking over her body, Heather took this time to take the keys out of Holly's pocket from her shorts that were laying on the floor.

"Change me back." Holly said in Mickey Mouse like voice. It almost sounded like a little boy's voice, but it had higher tone of a girls. Her arms were getting tired of holding up her underwear. Both elbows were sticking straight out to hold it in place.

"Not yet. I want to show you how responsible I can be." Heather said still holding the hourglass and the keys.

"What do you mean?" Holly asked not sure she like the answer.

"Simple silly. I'll be the babysitter and you'll be the kid." Heather explained as this was obvious to anyone.

"Now come on. You sit on the toilet with the lid down while I change." Heather said gently pushing her sister into the bathroom

Heather put the keys and hourglass on top of the medicine cabinet then lifted up her sister to sit for a moment. The hourglass was now far out of reach for Holly to even try. Heather stripped off her clothes and only put a robe on when she got to her underwear. After her underwear was off she reached for the hourglass and made her wish.

Her body grew in height and robe was lifted off the ground as she hit her teen years. Her face did the same change from girl to teen. Holly could only guess it was because of her size that Heather looked more mature now then before. She was staring through the eyes of a toddler.

Heather then took the hourglass and placed it inside the china cabinet. She locked it inside then went back to the bathroom and put the keys back on top of the medicine cabinet.

Heather grab her old shirt and slipped over Holly head so it give her cover until she finished getting dressed.

Heather spent only a few minutes deciding what to wear. Thanks to her sister's advice on fashion only days before she pick out a nice little outfit. Little Holly was in the bathroom trying to think of way of turning the tables on her sister. She didn't want to spend the entire afternoon like this, a little girl so small now she couldn't even go to the bathroom without someone to help her. Her body was so short and chubby now. Holly could only imagine what her face look like.

While Heather was busy getting dressed, Holly slipped down off the toilet lid letting her panties slip off onto the floor and snuck out of the room. She walked into the living room and to the kitchen to look for something that might help her. The phone was high up on the wall in the kitchen. Calling for help was foolish to think about because who would she call.

"Holly, Don't' go wondering off." Heather said in a bit of panic as she left the room to find her.

"I'm still your big sister." Holly said when Heather found her standing in the living room.

Two sharp rings sounded at that moment. Both knew it was someone ringing the doorbell.

"Who is it?" Holly whispered to Heather in fear

A face looked in on the side window by the door. It was worst then she thought. Terry was at the door and he saw them both. Holly thought why did her boyfriend had to come over at this moment.

"Come on, He already seen us and we better answer the door." Heather said taking Holly's hand leading her to the door. Then Heather opened it with her free hand.

"Hi, Is Holly home?" Terry asked to unknown teenage girl.

"No, just me and Cindy." Heather said remembering Holly's own middle name.

"Who are you?" Terry asked not sure if he had seen her before or not. She looked a little like Holly.

"Megan." Heather said and hiding her giggles. This was all too much fun.

"Holly's cousin. She told me a little about you. Said you don't get out much and might be coming with us to the movies this Friday." Terry said as he was entering the house.

"How is Cindy related?" Terry said bending his knees to be on her level.

"She is my sister." Heather said very truthfully.

Cindy was now hiding behind her sister's leg so Terry wouldn't see her.

"She is cute." Terry said standing up.

"Where is Holly?" Terry asked wondering where she could have gone without her car.

"She is around." Heather said then giving a quick glance at Holly hiding behind her legs.

"I see. Getting some supplies from the store for the kid." Terry said figuring out Heather's hint.

Holly fear of being recognized had change. Was she so young now that not even Terry knew who she was.

"Heather is with her now too." Heather said to excuse her old self.

"I just stopped by to pick up my CD I loaned her." Terry said not wanting to bother Holly's cousin any further.

"I think it is on her dresser back in her room." Heather said then tugging gently on Holly's hand to get her walking.

Terry followed her back to Holly's room. Heather easily put the toddler on the bed while she hunted for the CD on the dresser. Terry sat on the bed next to little Holly and waited. Holly looked at him with more admiration then ever before. He looked so cute and strong from her point of view.

Terry took this time to make small talk with her.

"So how old are you Cindy?" Terry asked with a warm smile.

"Four." Holly answered. She thought her voice sounded so baby-like.

"Started school yet?" Terry asked amused by her face. It look like she had a crush on him and she was wearing some make-up.

"No." Holly said and making sure her answers were short. His eyes were just so amazing now.

"Here it is Terry. Hey, before you go can you help me dress Cindy?" Heather asked with a smile.

"Alright, but we should remove her make-up you put on her." Terry said as he took the CD from Heather.

"She put that on herself." Heather said in truth.

"Wow, Cindy. You did a great job." Terry said to praise her.

"Thanks." Holly said then going red in the face. She had to let a few giggles out as well. If he only knew who she really was. This was starting to get funny.

Heather had walked over to her and slipped her shirt off before she could protest. Holly was now naked and in front of her boyfriend.

"Can you go wash her face? While I throw these clothes in hamper in the other bathroom." Heather said picking up Holly's discarded clothing. She only left the clothes for little kids sitting on the bed.

"OK. Do you want me to wash your face off Cindy?" Terry asked her then holding his hand out.

Holly just wanted this to end so she took his hand and was lead back into the bathroom. Terry wrapped a towel around her waist then used a wash cloth to gently wipe away her make-up. Holly was glad she wasn't completely naked anymore. The damage was done and he had seen her in all her glory.

Holly vowed in her thoughts that she will have Terry change Heather's diaper when she got control of the hourglass again. Holly was amazed at her reflection. Now she could see herself up close. It was not a surprise that Terry didn't know her. Her face was amazingly baby like and young.

After Terry cleaned her face he put her hair into cute little pig tails using some hair bands he found in the drawer. Holly giggled at the sight of her face. Heather was right about her. She was cute and style of hair only helped.

"There you are my little lady. All ready to get dressed up." Terry said then carrying her out.

"Allow me to carry you to the bed my dear." Terry said in a deep funny voice. Terry was always kinda of goof ball when he was around kids. Having a younger brother and sister this was no surprise to Holly.

Holly only grinned at his behavior. Seeing it was one thing, but being a part of it was different.

"She looks a lot better now." Heather said touching her pig tails lightly.

Terry slipped the small toddler shirt over her head. Then Heather slipped a pair of slightly padded underwear up her legs while Terry lifted her up a bit. Next Heather slipped some shorts up Holly's little legs.

"All dressed up and ready for night of movie watching." Heather said once her sister was dressed.

"Well thanks for finding the CD and tell Holly to call me when she gets a chance." Terry said now leaving.

"I'll be sure to tell her." Heather said before she said goodbye and shut the door.

When the door was shut and Holly was sure Terry wouldn't hear her, she voiced her little protest.

"Why did you let him see me naked?" Holly said standing behind Heather only a few feet away.

"What is there to see baby?" Heather said then slipping her hand into Holly panties and feeling her bare vagina.

Holly jumped back away and went slightly red. Looking more hurt then shocked.

"Smooth as a baby's butt." Heather said only teasing a little.

"Stop it." Holly said now tears coming to her eyes.

"Shhh...I Didn't mean it, sis. Just playing." Heather opening her arms for a hug.

Holly stepped forward and received the hug and only a few small sniffles came out.

"I am sorry I teased you. I really didn't mean anything by it. I'll be the baby next time and you can take care of me." Heather said hopeful this would repair the damage she'd done.

"Come on. I make you anything you want and we will watch a movie. Boss me around like you always do." Heather said picking up her sister.

Holly told Heather what she wanted as she was being carried into the kitchen. Thinking to herself Heather thought being older is sometimes a drag.

Holly did have a nice evening after that conversation. Her little sister was as good as her word. Made her a very good meal then cuddle up to each other while they watched some movies they got out from the shelf.

Heather favorite part was giving Holly a bath. She filled the tub up bubbles and got a chance to wash someone's hair for once. Then she dried her off and combed her hair. Holly was only wrapped in a towel that went right under her armpits while her sister brushed her hair.

"Babysitting is easy." Heather voiced as she combed her hair.

"Well, I'm not really a kid. It's a lot harder then you think." Holly said to right her sister.

"Guess so, but I like it all the same." Heather said now just holding her sister in her lap.

"Oh man! Mom will be home any minute now. You got to changed us back now." Holly said noticing the time.

Heather jumped up from the bed and grabbed the keys from the bathroom. She unlocked china cabinet and made two quick wishes. She had barely enough time to place the hourglass back in before shutting the door.

Both girls took their trips through time. Heather now getting younger with her clothes hanging off her body. Then Holly growing up and her towel now barely covering her teenage body. Holly picked up the keys and lock the cabinet. Then setting the keys on her dresser.

"You clean the living room and I take the kitchen as soon we get dressed." Holly said tossing her towel off and forgetting all modesty.

"OK. Don't forget about the old clothes. Put them back in boxes" Heather said stripping her clothes off as well. She then ran naked back to her room and dressed.

Both girls took their trips through time. Heather now getting younger with her clothes hanging off her body, while Holly was growing up and her towel now barely covering her teenage body. Holly picked up the keys and locked the cabinet. Then set the keys on her dresser.

"Girls! I am home." Mrs Field called out when she entered.

House was spotless and looked they hadn't used a single dish. Mrs Field took a moment to marvel again how clean it was.

"We are in here, Mom." Holly answered back.

Mrs field went to Holly's room to see her daughter sitting on each end of the bed with a teen magazine open between them.

"Good to see you getting along and the house looks greats." Mrs Fields said from the doorway.

"Hey mom, Is it alright if Heather can come to the movies with me?" Holly asked in hopes her mother's good mood would persuade her.

"Well..." Mrs Field said to draw out her answer a little longer.

"Please!" Begged Heather knowing this would do the trick.

"Alright, but nothing scary and have her home by 10:00 p.m if you can" Mrs Field said.

"When is this trip planned?" Mrs Field asked.

"Friday. Some of Terry's friends will be there too." Holly answered.

"Ok. I give you some money for her ticket. Kept up the good house work." Mrs Field said then leaving the doorway.

Holly did forgive her sister for the most part that night. After all she was just 10 year-old girl in a teenager's body taking care of toddler who was a teenager. Which sounded strange to think about. With Holly's head giving her a headache she told her sister she needed to get some sleep. It had been yet another strange day.

Heather left only after saying "thanks and good night."