Powder Can Be a Bad ARing Agent Part 1 of 2

submitted by TFandTGfan - Oct 21, 2004

At the ok of Vern, I submit this start of a sequel to Taking a Powder. What would happen if Stuart found out about the lie, and would Molly end up her own enemy in the ensuing ordeal?

Powder Can Be a Bad ARing Agent Part 1 of 2

It had been almost two months since Bridget had first been turned to a baby again, and until this moment... it had been an uneventful time. She had been quite quiet for a baby for most of the time, at most a sniffle emitting from her as her diaper became wet... until 2 weeks ago. She seemed to start to act like a little baby, which relieved Molly's secret worries a bit....

Especially when a few moments ago, Bridget had suddenly called Molly, "Mommah." It hadn't come to her attention that at that moment Stuart had walked in the front door... she was just happy because it seemed like to her that she had nothing to worry about now.

"Stuart, Cassie, come in here!" She called, smiling brightly.

"Yes dear?" Stuart said with a smile as Cassie followed him into the room. Cassie smiled and looked at her baby sister, wondering what was going on.

"Bridgie said her first word today! Go on dear, tell them what you told me?" Molly looked at the little baby, smiling lightly.
Bridget looked up at those present for a moment... looking almost nervous. But after a moment, she said with a struggle, "Mahwee lied..."

"... What?" Stuart said lightly, blinking for a moment as he looked down at Bridget, shocked. Bridget continued to repeat it growing louder and louder, until it could be heard practically outside the house. Stuart and Cassie turned to Molly, expressions of shock and confusion spreading across their faces.

Oddly, Cassie was the first one to speak up, asking shakedly, "Mommy, what does she mean?"

Molly just stood there, shocked and unable to think of a coherent response. She tried to explain herself, but it just came out a babble of words, the one part of it truly understandable was the word 'powder'.

It took Stuart a few moments before his mind put two and two together. It had something to do with the powder that had turned bridget into a baby... His brow furrowed for a moment before stating flatly, "Cassie... I think you should leave." Cassie did as she was told, carrying out Bridget while glancing towards her mother with a look of terror and fear that would haunt her for many years. "...Did you lie about the powder?" Stuart said, glaring at his wife.

"... Yes. I was just trying to fix he-"

"No. No excuses Molly. You... you... I can't believe you did this to her. It's one thing to think about raising her from a baby when there's nothing we can do about it... but you did this on purpose! And you lied to me..." Stuart continued to glare at his wife, before pausing for a moment.

"Fix her? By stealing our trust and her life away from her? How can I ever trust you again?" Another pause. "I'm going to take the girls for a drive." It was a sharp and spiteful comment, as Stuart left Molly shocked beyond belief. Stuart had actually sided with his step-daughter over his own wife. She just couldn't believe it... but a small part of her felt he was right. She refused to listen to it before... but it had told her she was acting just as bad as Bridget.


Stuart sighed to himself as he held Bridget, deciding finally to stop at the park after driving for some time. He could not believe he had been tricked by his wife in such a way. Molly had always been talking about how she wanted to help Bridget... but this was not help. This was close to enslavement... forcing his eldest daughter to retake on the role of a baby, just so she could have a good time as a mother again. His thoughts were interrupted however by a slight tug on his sleeve by Cassie. "Yes dear?"

"... Is mommy going to turn me into a baby too?" She asked, looking scared at the moment. Stuart frowned and shook his head as he put one hand on Cassie's shoulder, Bridget grabbing her hand and giving it a light squeeze of seemingly comfort with her pudgy little hands. The squeeze seemed to calm Cassie a bit, as she picked up her sister and hugged her, allowing her once older sister to hug back. Cassie heard her sister whisper lightly an apology... for what, she did not have the vocal capabilities to say, but it seemed geniune. This caused Cassie to hug her even tighter, saying back, "Apology accepted... big sis."

Stuart smiled sadly at this development and stated, "When we get home... I'm going to call Aunt Chlora myself. Maybe she'll be big sis again," before picking up the two of them. Bridget nodded lightly and smiled sadly as well, snuggling into her father's arms. As they walked back to the car, he said, "We'll get rid of that powder as soon as we get home."


However... at that very time, Molly was doing just that. After seeing the fear in her true daughter's eyes as she left, she knew it had to be done. Her current mental state was not helping though, as she could not remember where she had put the darn containers due to all the attention she had been giving Bridget. This led to a frantic searching of the bedroom, followed by a searching of the closet as well. Nothing was found in the lower sections of either... this left her now irritated, as she, in her frustation over both what Bridget had done to her and being unable to locate the missing containers, swept a shelf clear with her hand onto the floor.

This had two unfortunate side effects. One was the sound of plastic ricochetting off plaster, as both containers flew across the room, both rebounding off the wall back towards her. She managed to dodge one of them... as it went flying out the window. The other however just missed the open window and had shattered on impact against the wooden frame of the window, covering her in it's contents.

Molly paniced at this situation, hurrying for the rest room to clean herself off, hoping that the container that had disappeared had been that of the cure. However... this was not so. As she left her room, she could already notice changes and realized that the sheer amount of powder which she had been covered with accelerated the changes caused by it within. Her breasts slowly but steadily rose a bit more even as they shrank lightly, as she started to recline into the upper teens. Her face softened and her height lessened a bit, accenting her curves as she had had an early puberty when it came to the rounder features of her phsyique. If Stuart had been there, he would have probably been turned on by the changes, despite his anger at her.

At this time, Molly realized that the shower was useless and hurried down the stairs frantically, her clothes slipping down a bit and revealing the new cleavage created by her losss in stature compared to the size of her bosom and bum. She tightened her belt as she ran outside, reaching already an age of 18 even as she looked around where the shards of glass had landed. Struggling to locate the container, she took no time to try to hide the space reveled by her shirt which caused many a boy to wander an eye her way.

When she finally located it, the stares became apparent, as even more was revealed as she slipt into her early seventeens. She blushed as she re-entered the house, thoughts coming to her mind that shouldn't have, possibly due to the dosage she had been given. As she reached the shower, she paused for a moment, looking at the person before her. A beautiful 16 year old showed in the mirror, almost the kind of girl who could have anything... or anyone she wanted. She shook her head suddenly, trying to focus at the moment at hand.

Turning on the water, she shrieked as she entered the shower, not prepared for it's coldness. This had a slightly helpful effect as well, as it snapped her teenaged lustful feelings out of her body... for the moment. After she was sure she had gotten all the powder off, she stepped out of the shower... taking off all her wet clothes just to be safe and powdering herself with the antidote, leaving herself at the age of 15. She looked to the mirror and wondered how she would explain this to her husband... as well as the twinkling thoughts of why she should care which danced in the back of her head, almost like a second consciousness.


Afterthought Notes: I know the end of this half kind of went in a divergent direction, but I had a thought for two endings to this... or an ending that includes both what the Molly ending would do and the Bridget ending would do. Not sure yet. Hope it wasn't too rushed... ^^"