Baseball Blues II

Apr 13, 2005

Mike, once a baseball star, was helpless as his body began slipping closer to toddlerhood.

Japanese scientist Yomo Hingamachi knew that in a few months those taking his serum would have major problems on their hands. He had hopes that each one of his customers had someone would look after them. In a special letter that would eventually be in the mail boxes of all of his customers, he explained that they had been duped. Even if his customers were too young to read the letter, he knew that someone who became the caregiver, would learn about how and whether the process could be reversed.

The following morning Mike woke up and immediately went to the bathroom. His sweatpants easily slid off and when he stared at himself in the mirror his grogginess turned to shock as the person staring back at him was much different then he remembered. His reflection was that of a college freshman. His shoulders and arms were much less defined and his chest diminished. He sat on the toilet and started to cry.

"Do I have cancer? What the heck do I do?" he thought.

Staring down at his once pride and joy, Mike saw a much smaller item and pushed down, barely dangling into the toilet. He noticed his public hair had thinned a bit and he cupped his balls, which were, unknowing to him, beginning to diminish and recede into his body as they went in reverse through puberty.

"Honey is everything ok in there? I haven't heard a peep out of you,"

Melinda yelled through the bathroom door. "I'm headed to the store to pick up some things. I'll be home in a bit sweetie and I'll take care of you."

"I'm alright, see you soon," Mike said, his voice cracking a bit, causing his eyes to widen as he was shocked by the different pitch to
his voice. It wasn't that of a strong college senior, it was more like that of a young teenager on the brink of puberty.

Melinda took time off classes and her part time job to watch over Mike. She thought about how strange things have been getting. After an
interrupted love making session last night, Melinda didn’t get much sleep, instead she stared at Mike while he slept and noticed some subtle changes in his body.

When Melinda left, Mike stumbled out of the bathroom and put on a fresh pair of underwear. They barely clung to his body as he walked
around his apartment. After putting on a pair of grey sweat pants, he sat in front of the television and got engrossed in a reality show on MTV. He was so into the show that he failed to notice the growing stain on the front of his pants.

Melinda came back home and was happy to see her boyfriend up and about. She walked over and gave him a peck on the cheek.

“How are you doing darling?” Melinda asked. “I hope you’re feeling better.”

His attention span broken, Mike got up out of his chair to get a drink of water when he and Melinda noticed his latest dirty deed.

Melinda’s eyes widened as she looked down at Mike’s crotch. A dark stain stretched from Mike’s crotch area to his rear end, where it had pooled while he sat in his chair.

“Oh my, Mike, have you had an accident? Why have you been sitting in wet pants?” Melinda asked.

Unable to contain his embarrassment, Mike’s face turned red and a few spurts of pee flooded his already soaked underwear. As his eyes began tearing up, he ran to the bathroom and quickly shed his clothes. Melinda followed.

“It’s ok, I’m alright, it was a little accident,” Mike groaned.

Melinda sensing her man was in need of attention, gave him a quick hug and kissed his forehead.

“Don’t worry darling. I’ll take care of you,” she said. “Now let’s get you cleaned up.”

She began running a bath for Mike, removing his t-shirt before helping him get in the tub. A few moments later, she used a wash cloth to wash Mike’s sensitive areas. Mike sat in the tub with a strange expression on his face. His mind raced to understand his predicament. As the thought of being a helpless scared him, Melinda didn’t say a word when she saw a spurt of dark yellow pee shoot into the warm tub water. She was too afraid to acknowledge it. Mike felt a tingling sensation shoot up his spine. He was scared. He was loosing the feeling in his bladder and he felt his body and his mind slowly slipping away. At the same time, a pleasurable sensation enveloped his mind.

After getting him dressed, Melinda decided it was time for a new wardrobe for Mike. His clothes flopped around as his body no longer filled them out.

“Honey, I know you don’t feel good, but we’ve got to go shopping to get you some new clothes,” she said. “I want to get you the right size, so let’s go together.”

It would soon be a trip Melinda would never forget.

To be continued…